Page 13 - The Josenian Premier Volume 5 Issue 1
P. 13

Illustration: Eula manayon                         of so much blood and sacrifice“;
                                                                       4. “Japan will swallow us“;
                                                                       5.  “the  Philippines  will,  perhaps,  establish  a
                                                               federal republic“; and
                                                                       6. the Philippines will, perhaps, enter openly
                                                               the wide  road of progress and  will  work jointly  to
                                                               strengthen the Mother Country at home, as well as

                                                                       As we are now welcoming the next millennium
                                                               and closing the doors behind, there could be no other
                                                               time to think  about  his prophetic vision. His two
                                                               insights already happened, and the public leaders are
                                                               already  eyeing the federalism of the country.  Rizal
                                                               was all about insight and observation, as he envisions
                                                               the capability and fragility of the Philippines. Thus, he
                                                               provided us the blueprint of the future  that  was all
                                                               exciting and almost too impossible to compel. We are
                                                               all asking for a society of all good, but the question lies
                                                               in this. Are we going to do nothing and let the futurist
                                                               Rizal dictate our future? The concepts of Stephen
                                                               Hawking  and  Martin  Luther  King,  Jr.  encouraged
                                                               many  to imagine  the countless contingencies  of
                                                               an  ideal world  advancing  with  technology.  This
                                                               technology  withholds  the significance  of preserving
                                                               and  sustaining  nature  and  a  worldwide  community
                                                               free of war, prejudice, discrimination, and abuse by
        when all of God“s children, Black men and white men,  the demanding social norms presented in society. A
        Jews and Gentiles, Protestants, and Catholics, will be  world of peace that many wish to be granted where
        able to join hands and sing in the words of the old  opportunities can be equally shared no matter who
        Negro spiritual: Free at last! Free at last! Thank God  you are and from where you are.
        Almighty, we are free at last!“
                                                                       The conception of the two centered
               On  the other  hand,  the national  hero  of  around  the innovative  culture, a  society
        the  Philippines,  Jose  Rizal,  who  led  the  revolution  of all peace, harmony, and impartiality.
        against the Spanish colonial rule and drew a reform,  Meanwhile, the prediction of Rizal is the
        also  declared  his  vision  of  the  Philippines.  With  his  words of stimulation leading towards
        nationalist movement and pertinent prediction about  the brink of a successful state as
        the country, he built an inspiring personality to young  long the people, the youth, and
        people, letting them examine the different angles of  citizens would  also envision
        possibilities of the future Philippines.               a moral community, where
                                                               works in achieving it are
               The  essay  he wrote was  tracked  from  the  acted fully. Hence, Rizal
        year 1889 entitled The Philippines a Century Hence.  suggested  upon writing
        The literary piece  was composed of  words with a  his prophecy that  the
        prescient vision towards the future of the country. He  future  Philippines  would
        wrote that:                                            be a  nation  of success as
                                                               much  as  the  citizens  will
               1. “the Philippines will one day declare herself  share a common purpose.
               2. “the great American Republic with interests          Now, if you were  given a
        in  the  Pacific..  may  one  day  think  of  acquiring  chance to create your masterpiece
        possessions beyond the seas“;                          of fate, what future will
               3.   “the   Philippines   will   defend   with
        indescribable ardor the liberty she bought at the cost  you paint?

                                                        First Semester S.Y. 2020-2021 | The Josenian Premier             11
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