Page 10 - The Josenian Premier Volume 5 Issue 1
P. 10

International Sports Events Resume

                                  After a Few Months of Lock-down

                                                   By: Dan Paolo B. Ballares

          T     he pandemic has made an undeniable impact in the everyday lives of the people and  world-class athletes and
                National Sports teams are especially affected. Since the start of the lockdown that began in the last half of March
                2020, athletes all around the globe have been drained of all forms of sporting activities during the last few months
          that they have been advised to stay at home as a result of lock-down. The most significant sporting event that was
          cancelled this year due to the pandemic was the Tokyo 2020 Olympics after Japan’s prime minister, Shinzu Abe, concluded
          that it is better to postpone the sporting event and will now take place on July 23 – August 8, 2021 which will be next year.


                                                In the National Basketball Association (NBA), they resumed the final 8 games of
                                                the 2019-2020 regular season in July of 2020. 22 of the 30 teams were invited
                                                to participate. They were sent to an isolation zone which was located inside the
                                                Walt Disney World in Bay Lake Florida. The Isolation zone was created by the
                                                NBA to protect its players from the COVID-19 pandemic, and with games being
                                                held behind closed doors in ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex. This place was
                                                called the NBA Bubble. The teams stayed in Disney World Hotels inside the resort.

                                                Fédération  Internationale  de Volleyball  (FIVB) Volleyball  Nation’s League,
                                                an  annual  international  volleyball  tournament, has been called  off because
                                                of the pandemic. The biggest  volleyball  leagues  in Europe; the Italian
                                                League  (SuperLega),  Polish  League  (PlusLiga),  and  the  Russian
                                                League  (RVSL)  have  resumed  their  tournaments  back  in  August,
                                                although only local  tournaments have been held in these  leagues,
                                                any tournaments between these leagues  and teams from leagues
                                                outside  the European Volleyball  confederation will  not take place.

                                                All Badminton World Federation (BWF) World Tour tournaments that were
                                                supposed to take place from March 12, 2020 to September 2020, including
                                                the Badminton Asia Championships which was supposed to be held in Manila,
                                                Philippines, have been cancelled. The only Badminton World Federation world
                                                tour tournament that has taken place was the Denmark Open 2020, but the
                                                majority of the players that were qualified to compete have withdrawn, with
                                                only a handful of players from Germany, Taiwan, Japan, and England competing.
                                                Strict health  protocols have been implemented even during the matches.

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