Page 17 - The Josenian Premier Volume 5 Issue 1
P. 17
A moment of fear can breed thousands of
uncertainties that could serve as permanent inks
ready to taint a person’s blueprint of the future.
When constructing a vision for a tomorrow one
longs to achieve, variables are taken into account.
In an era where the possibility of Time being
Dream’s lover crossed out, we become scared
of the future, and the world becomes filled with
unsatisfied hearts.
We are diverse epitomes of constellations in the
vast sky. As the night is young; our dreams are
reflections of our innocent souls where becoming
an astronaut or a scientist is as easy as counting
your fingers. Yet as the night progresses, clouds
hinder the luminance the stars give off, reminding Yet fear not, my friend, look up to the sky and
us that no matter how bright our future is when feel the ground beneath you. Doubts may
uncertainties come into the picture, the light would evoke feelings of fear in us, but we must always
die off. remember to continue. Let your hands work
miracles and reach for the moon. May your
These clouds come in the form of variables, mind be always courageous to find a reason
sometimes masked as questions, that could plant behind those dreams. Take heart, visionary, and
fear in the process of pursuing the art of risk. It continue the journey. Uncertainty is what makes
would usually start just by simply asking yourself, life, and humans are just mortal creatures trying
“What happens when my plans are not what the to make the most out of their bargains.
future has in store for me? What happens when
something like Time reigns over my ambition and You see, the future is what Time takes pride in. It
pulls me away from it? Like how anchors hook is the product of consistency and uncertainties;
ships from sailing, and what if I cannot see the day and life, limited as it can be, has the grace to take
where I can witness the crops of my dedication?” charge of the future. There will be events wherein
Time will be stubborn with your plans—doubts
shall arise, and even dreams can change, but
don’t let it break your heart. Breakthroughs are
not present on what is already written, it is found
in the unknown. Challenge what Time has in
store for you and take courage. After all, the
future is limitless, and when our heart craves, or
our mind envisions, that is when dreams become
powerful, and uncertainties become a challenge.
First Semester S.Y. 2020-2021 | The Josenian Premier 15