P. 53


                1) La  oración  correcta  en  inglés  en  el  tiempo 6) Las  contracciones  correctas  para  can  not  y
                    presente  simple  es  “Él  come  frutas  para  el  could not son:
                    desayuno”:                                         a) Cannot - couldnot.
                    a) He eat fruits for the breakfast.                b) Cant’ - couldnt’.
                    b) The eat fruist for the breakfast.               c) Can’t – couldn’t.
                    c) The eats fruits for the breakfast.              d) Ca’nt – coul’dnt.
                    d) He eats fruits for the breakfast.
                                                                    7) “¿podría  ayudarte?”.  La  forma  correcta de  la
                2) La oración correcta en inglés es:                   oración en inglés es:
                    a) My father fist at the river.                    a) Can I help you?
                    b) My father fish in the river.                    b) Could I help you?
                    c) My father fishes at the river.                  c) I can help you?
                    d) My father fishes at the river.                  d) I could help you?

                3) ¿Escribe ella una carta a su novio?, la oración  8) El comparativo de los adjetivos: bueno, viejo y
                    correcta es:                                       precioso es:
                    a) Write she a letter to her boyfriend?            a) Better – older – more precious.
                    b) Does she write a letter to her boyfriend?       b) Gooder – older - preciousre.
                    c) Do she write a letter to her boyfriend?         c) Better – oldest – more precious.
                    d) She does write a letter to her boyfriend?       d) Gooder – oldest - preciousest.

                4) Los  adverbios  de  frecuencia  para:  siempre  y 9) El  superlativo  correcto  para  el  adjetivo
                    nunca en Inglés son:                               important es :
                    a) Always - never.                                 a) importanter.
                    b) Often - never.                                  b) importantest.
                    c) Sometimes - always.                             c) More important.
                    d) Often - rarely.                                 d) The most important.

                5) La oración correcta es:                          10) El Comparativo y Superlativo del adjetivo busy
                    a) Always we are at the school.                    (ocupado), es:
                    b) We always are at the school.                    a) More busy – most busy.
                    c) We are at the school always.                    b) Busyer - busyest.
                    d) We are always at the school.                    c) Busier - busiest
                                                                       d) Busier - bussiest.

                    1        A        B          C         D                6        A       B        C       D

                    2        A        B          C         D                7        A       B        C       D
                     3       A        B          C         D                8        A       B        C       D
                    4        A        B          C         D                9        A       B        C       D

                    5        A        B          C         D                10       A       B        C       D
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