ODJFS Human Trafficking Response Summary 2018-2019
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   ONCAC Statewide Human Trafficking Response - Year 2 Summary
In the second year of this grant, we have continued to advance the transformative initiatives put in into practice in the previous year. These include expansion of our data collection system with comparative analysis, advanced practice trainings, continuation of the ONtarget Webinar Series, and the furthering of CAC responsiveness to their communities.
Among the approaches and results discussed in this summary will be: a) the 2019 ONtarget Webinar Series, b) Service Development and Accessibility, c) Survey Tool Enhancement and Capacity Building.
   ONtarget Webinar Series 2019
  ONtarget: Using Technology Assets and Advanced Curriculum to Enhance Ohio’s Response Child Trafficking
In late April/May 2019, we continued our groundbreaking webinar series to present leading strategies and innovative approaches both in development and in current practice across various representative disciplines within the Multi-Disciplinary Team. Our objective was to cultivate a more proactive response to combat child trafficking and exploitation in Ohio.
We brought in eminent speakers from the most innovative organizations across the country. Our focus this year for this program centers on advanced programs and technology to enhance MDT response for Ohio’s child survivors of human trafficking. Once again we leveraged technology to aid access to the most pioneering anti- trafficking experts in the country and connect them to the largest number of providers within the CAC network and respective partner agencies.
This year, ONtarget reached 201 professionals across 5 sessions.

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