Page 6 - Our legacy and Achievements.pdf
P. 6
Zonal Track Machine Depot at Cavalry Barracks Station
Shed / Depot housing two tracks Storage units for stacking heavy machine tools
11. Infrastructural improvements/additions
Improvements to Façade of Rail Nilayam Building.
The Rail Nilayam is a Land Mark Building in Hyderabad and Secunderbad Twin Cities
and it has been constructed about 50 Yrs back. Due to aging and environmental
degradation the RCC fins of the Rail Nilayam building are badly damaged and also
resulted in to spalling of concrete at several places.
Considering the dilapidated condition of RCC fins , it was planned for redesigning and
improvement to façade of Rail Nilayam Building.
Accordingly, so as to extend its life, the work has been taken up in consultation with
Sri Apurva Parekh Architect / Mumbai.The concept plans were prepared keeping in
view to retain original look with modern glazing ACP cladding and modern electrical
lighting system using discontinuous curtain glazing system has been prepared and
got approved by GM/SC and same has been taken up and completed.
Following works were involved
1. Demolition of Existing fins
2. Cutting and clearing of Reinforcement.
3. Erection of frame work for glazing and ACP paneling.
4. Grouting of support plates to existing floors.
5. Provision of Façade glass
6. Erection of ACP frame work.