P. 101
I do not want to leave anyone with the impression that my Joyselyn was weak. She was never that. She was great at
getting her point across to me. How sorry I am that I finally get it, understanding my transgressions against her and not
having her now at my side. Not walking the paths, she prayed that we would walk together one day.
She was not a religious fanatic or what some would call a Bible thumper. She was quiet and soft-spoken and filled with
the Holy Spirit. She knew things beyond that of many. I trusted her with my life. She will forever continue to live in me
till my last breath.
I hope and pray that if you, the reader, can see any of my selfish faults in you, you turn yourself around. Turn your life
over to Adonai, and repent of your sins. Commit your life to our Heavenly Father. Surrender before it’s too late.
We have no guarantees for a new morning or that trip back from the store. Our time here on this earth is short, and we
often hear it said that we better enjoy the life we now have. I submit that Eternity is long, and we should strive and
prepare for it! I am sure there is plenty of room for all.
May God bless and keep you for that day that is soon to come. Most importantly, may you turn your life to His will, plan,
and purpose. Learn to have a personal relationship with Him. He is The Truth and the Life. He’s not just knocking on the
doors of our hearts, but He is now banging on those doors daily; we need to open wide and let Him in.
“Regardless of how far you’ve gone or the doors you hide behind, just come back” The return trip back to God is only
one step. He waits; He loves and wants you forever. It’s just the kind of Father He is!
Sept. 9, 2020