P. 99
Speaking of Holy Days, every day was a Holy Day in our home. My Joyselyn always prayed blessings over our lives and
our home without fail. Those blessings are still felt today: The Father’s anointing, protection, and His promise to
Joyselyn for her faithfulness. I miss Joyselyn anointing my head with oil, laying hands on me, and saying a blessing over
my life. What a wonderful testimony of love Joyselyn spoke over me. Heartbreaking and heartfelt moments they all
were. Sometimes I would wake with her sitting beside me doing the same. We always said a blessing over each other.
Easy to do with hearts so full of love and gratitude. Always thank our Father for joining our lives and supplying all our
Sept. 6, 2020
Now I find myself being the impatient one waiting to go home. I know there is something I still have left to do. No clue
has been revealed to me. I am sure it will be clear when Adonai chooses to confront me. I wonder if keeping this journal
and sharing my life with Facebook friends may be part of that journey. Showing my many faults, lousy behavior, and sins
may be part of that plan. But perhaps that’s me wanting to host a pity party. I no longer have anyone to share with, no
voice reflecting opposition to my ill feeling—no one’s touch to ashore me that I am still in the Father’s plan. I do pray,
and I pray that my readers find something useful in the words that I write. A change of heart may be more profound love
and understanding for someone in your life, past or present. Most of all, we turn to our Father in Heaven in this life's
journey. To whom is the author of all life and life yet to come.
Sept. 7, 2020