P. 123
Yes, even today, I find myself speaking to my Joyselyn. I can’t seem to stop the need to say I love you. Words formed in
my mind then spoken aloud, sometimes soft little whispers and many times mournful shouts. The despair of being so
empty and alone without my love is more than any words to explain.
Joyselyn was my only reason; she was my conscience. What a burden I was on this dear soul. She raised me into
manhood. She was unable to bear children, and it came to me that I had become that child who needed to be taught
what life and living an honorable life was meant to be. Sad, sorry excuses of a man I have been, yet my gift, my Joyselyn,
saw something redeemable within me. I had so many used and missing parts. No useable spares, all had to be rebuilt
from the ground up. My Joyselyn lovingly and prayerfully cleaned, polished, and put me together to be the man the
Father intended that I might be.
I shall forever miss her presence in this life of mine. I will honor my Joyselyn’s life as if she were still here with arms
wrapped around me, looking over my shoulder. I will always feel her warm, gentle breath as she whispers in my ear.
I will forever remember the words she spoke to me with love and in love. Today and every day, she will forever continue
living with me.
Dec. 10, 2020