P. 90
Memories of stepping out of the shower only to find my love, my Joyselyn waiting to use skin softener on me. I miss
her loving hands rubbing their way into my soul. How could it be? Why would God bless me in such a way? No
repayment have I to give this precious woman; my heart cried out to know. Tears were in secret almost all the time.
Some moments could not help but be shared, and we always happily shared them.
I missed many opportunities to greet her when she finished her shower with lotion in hand. Most of the time, she
would have beat me to the task. I do miss feeling her in my hands. That warm, soft, ivory skin that always healed any
worries, hurt, or pain away. Touching her or being touched by her was always my healing. Miss her soft voice telling me
how much she loves me.
I loved all the times spent with my Joyselyn. Not one could ever be judged greater than or better before. Me rubbing
her sweet little toes placed her socks on in the morning and did the same in the evening time, tucking her in at night,
looking into those wondrous brown eyes. Our hearts would melt, our spirits would join, and at that moment, we were
as meant to be; we were One!
I miss getting Joyselyn’s water and nightly Meds, holding her hand, and gently kissing her before she drifted off to sleep.
A final kiss would last forever if another was unavailable in her wakening hours.
June 23, 2020