P. 93
Someone today suggested that if I were to move on with my life, I needed to stop writing about my wife. I need to do
whatever it takes to get over her.
WOW! Really? Why would I ever want to get over the riches, most rewarding love life anyone could ever dream or
imagine? It is still rich. I hope it shows in my heart’s dictates for those I share my writings.
My Joyselyn, I know, is having a great time where she is, and I soon hope to be there enjoying her company once
more. It saddens me that I cannot pick up the phone and disturb her fun, pain-free life with our Father and King. Let
her know I am okay. Still loving her, always miss her. What would I tell her? There are so many things that come to
mind. Taken over by something beyond what this heart has ever experienced. Out of sorts with all that I thought I
knew. Still not knowing where my Joyselyn ends, and I might begin. She truly is my second element.
Could it be that we share the same DNA? Is that what happens when you indeed have been joined with your soul
mate? God did take a rib from Adam to make Eve. They became one flesh. Do we not become one in spirit as well? Oh,
how I pray that it is so.
July 20, 2020