Page 162 - First Steps 2023
P. 162

Not only does knowing
            God and following Jesus bring   Wisdom Tooth Story
            peace, it brings a peace that’s   Darryl has cancer—and not the kind or
            beyond all earthly understand-  casual sort. It’s taking his life by inches
            ing.                           and that means he’s had time to consider
                It’s a calm assurance that   his death in detail.
                                              “I wouldn’t pick this pain,” he says,
            all is well even when, clearly,   “But it’s what God has given me so I’ll
            all is not well. As floods sweep   take it. And the truth is there are far
            away possessions, as cancer    worse things for a believer than to die of
            eats away bones, a believer    pancreatic cancer.”
            can still know that, ultimately,   Darryl points out that, in heaven, going
            everything is fine.            through a physical death is something
                                           we’ll all have in common.
                Heaven is right around the    “When people who’ve had their wis-
            corner.                        dom teeth out compare stories, their ex-
                God is still in charge.    periences are all over the map,” he says.
                From a Kingdom perspec-    “For some it was nothing—teeth popped
            tive, no matter how hard the   right out. Others have wisdom teeth chis-
                                           eled out of their jaws. They’re flat on their
            day, it’s a day the Lord has   back for a week, groaning in agony.

            made and he’s in all of it.       “Either way, you get through it and you
                For a view of how that     go on. Pretty soon it’s no big deal, just
            perspective looks in action,   something that happened and now it’s
            pause to read the Wisdom       over.
            Tooth story.                      “I think death—mine included—is like
                                           that,” he says. “I’m at peace.”

                Darryl radiates peace that
            baffles people, including some Jesus-followers. It’s formed by this reality:
            Darryl’s trust in God is larger than his fear of what’s coming. He believes
            God’s promises—and that gives him peace.

                Tell your discipler where you’re experiencing a lack of peace in life.
                Pray about it together.

                • Power
                “For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.”

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