Page 225 - 301 Best Questions to Ask on Your Interview, Second Edition
P. 225


Unforgivable behaviors, of job           “What about me?” questions,
      candidates, 2                            avoiding, 9, 22

Urgency, creating sense of,              What’s-in-it-for-them? (WIIFT)
      163–64                                   questions, 123–24

Veiled threats, avoiding, 21             Why questions, avoiding, 19
                                         Williams, Wendell, 115
Warner, Jason, 43                        Winging it, in interviews,
   for business journals, 51             Winning over recruiters, ways
   for business periodicals, 50
   for local and national                      of, 70
                                         Working definition, of question,
          newspapers, 50–51
   for local business journals, 51             xvi–xviii
   for researching companies,            Writing down questions, 11–12

          46–50                          Yes, getting to, in interviews,
   for trade associations, 51–52               15–16
   for trade publications, 51
                                         Zuckerman, Irv, 38

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