Page 220 - 301 Best Questions to Ask on Your Interview, Second Edition
P. 220


Expectations, asking for job, 7        High-gain questions, 122–23
Exploring questions, 115,              High-level executives, best

      121–32                                 questions for, 122–23
   best, about information             Hilley, Jonathan, 72
                                       Hiring managers, 61–62
          technology, 128–31
   best, about positions, 124–28          best questions for, 88–100
   best, for sales and marketing          best questions for getting to

          positions, 124–28                      next step, 101–3
   high-gain, 122–23                      needs of, 87–88
   what’s-in-it-for-them?, 122,        Homework, conducting,

          123–24                             45–52
Eye contact, note taking and,, 49
                                       Housing costs, questions to ask
                                             about, 186
Feedback, obtaining, after             Howroyd, Janice Bryant,
      rejection, 190–93
Feedback questions, 115, 143–52        Human resources people, 61
   best, 144–47
                                          allying with, 74–76
Founders, company, best                   best questions for, 76–85
      questions about, 112–13             strategy for, 73–74
Franklin, Rich, 194                       in job interviews, 30–33
Frost, Eric L., 138                       rules for using, 33

Good questions. See Memorably          Impressions one leaves, when
      good questions                         not asking questions,
Google Alerts, 48–49
                                       Inclusive language, in interviews,
Hagen, Scott, 129                            16–17
Hallam, Anne, 75
Handler, Charles, 125                  Information, company,
Harris, Beau, 85                             collecting, 45–52
Hawke, John, 59
Headhunters, 61, 63                    Information technology, best
                                             questions about, 128–31
   best questions for, 65–70
   question strategy for, 65           Interruptions, avoiding, with
                                             interviewers, 14–15

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