Page 219 - 301 Best Questions to Ask on Your Interview, Second Edition
P. 219


Business journals, websites for,        Compensation questions. See
      51                                      also Money

Business objectives, best                  avoiding, 27–28
      questions about, 105–9               types of, 183
                                        Conlin, Bob, 66, 155, 165
Business periodicals, websites          Contingency agencies, 64
      for, 50                           Control of interviews, scenarios, 49                          for asking questions to
                                              gain, 37–44
Candidate traits, sought by             Corporate culture
      interviewers, 25–26                  best questions for, 103–5
                                           survey of, 116–19
Candidates, job                         Cowden, Michael, 140
   most unforgivable behaviors          Cucuzza, Susan, 121–24
          of, 2                         Customer service, best questions
   top ten attitude strikeouts                about, 110–11
          for, 2
                                        Dauten, Dale, 59
Caroselli, Marlene, 139                 Debenport, Bryan, 81, 105
Carter, Brian W., 181                   Defensive questions, 115,
Cavalleri, Amy, 89, 49, 51                        133–42
Closed-ended questions, 13                 Diane Asyre’s great, 141–42
Closings, in interviews, 163,              best, 134–39
                                        Desperation, avoiding questions
Community questions, 186–87                   hinting of, 21–22
Companies                               Difficult questions, avoiding

   conducting research on,                    asking interviewers, 17–18
          45–52                         Direct reports, questions for, 123
                                        Duffy, Mylene, 151
   private, best questions about,       Dumb questions, 1, 35–36
                                        Employees, managing, best
   researching, with websites,                questions for, 109–10
                                        Executives, best questions for
Company culture                               high-level, 122–23
   best questions for, 103–5
   survey of, 116–19

Company founders/owners, best
      questions about, 112–13

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