Page 222 - 301 Best Questions to Ask on Your Interview, Second Edition
P. 222


Johnson, Bob, 134                           Newspapers, websites for,
Journals, websites for business,                  50–51

      51                                    Notebooks
Joyce, James, 15                               going to interviews with, 59
                                               for note taking, 56–57
Kathnelson, Richard, 77, 137
Killer questions, 12–13                     Note taking
Koch, Ed, 143                                  arguments against, 53–55
                                               arguments for, 55–56
Landry, Houston, 64                            asking permission and, 56
Leading questions, 20                          body language and, 58
Lins, Bill, 71                                 eye contact and, 58
Loaded questions, 20–21                        using notebooks for, 56–57
                                               waiting for interviewer to
Mandle, David, 180                                    speak and, 58–59
Marketing positions, best
                                            Objections, overcoming, 148–50
      questions for, 132                    Objectives. See Business
Mays, Melanie, 79
McKee, Peggy, 154                                 objectives
Memorably bad questions, 67,                Obvious questions, avoiding,

      69, 71, 77, 79, 81, 85, 105,                18–19
      129, 131, 137, 151, 152, 157,         Offers. See Job offers
      166. See also Questions               Open-ended questions, asking,
Memorably good questions, 64,
      66, 75, 89, 125, 130, 134, 138,             13
      139, 140, 145, 150–51, 154,           Owners, company, best
      155, 164, 167, 172, 180–82.
      See also Best questions;                    questions about, 112–13
Money, avoiding subject of, in              Parker, Sonja, 17
      interviews, 159–62. See also          Periodicals, business, websites
      Compensation questions, 49–50                                for, 50
Moving expenses, questions                  Positions, best questions about,
      about, 185–86
                                               sales and marketing, 124–28
                                            Powerful questions, tips for

                                                  asking, 196
                                            Preemptive question, the, 38–40

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