Page 224 - 301 Best Questions to Ask on Your Interview, Second Edition
P. 224


Reagan, Ronald, 114                       Simmons, Stephanie, 165
Recruiters, 61, 63. See also              Staffing agencies, 64

      Interviewers                           best questions for, 65–70
   being helpful to, 195                  Stamos, Eric, 140, 152
   best questions for, 65–70              Strikeouts, top ten attitude, 2
   question strategy for, 65              Sullivan, John, 130, 165, 169–70
   ways for winning over, 70              Superlatives, avoiding asking
Recruiting agencies, 64
   best questions for, 65–70                    questions calling for, 19
Red flag questions, asking, 5–8           Superstars, questions for, 169–82
Reese, Andrew, 6, 7
Rejection, 189–90                            from Diane Asyre, 182
   obtaining feedback after,                 for companies, 170–73
                                             for the job and department,
   strategy for handling, 193–95                    173–79
   understanding, 190–93                  Supervisors, questions for, 123
Rental costs, questions to ask            Survey, company culture,

      about, 186                                116–19
Research, conducting, 45–52
Restrictions, questions about,            Technology, information, best
                                                questions about, 128–31
Retainer agencies, 64                     Thank-you letters, 195
Rules                                     Threats, veiled, avoiding, 21
                                          Thrower, Tom, 54
   for asking better questions in         Tips, for asking powerful
          interviews, 13–25
                                                questions, 196
   for using humor, 33                    Trade associations, websites for,

Sales calls, job interviews as, 153             51–52
Sales positions                           Trade publications, websites for,

   asking for job and, 162–63                   51
   best questions for, 132                Trainer, Susan, 67, 165, 190–91, 49                               Traits, candidate, sought by
Self-limiting questions, avoiding,
                                                interviewers, 25–26
      28–30                               Trunk, Penelope, 160, 166
Shapiro, Ruth, 150, 172
Short questions, asking, 13–14            Ullrich, Kathryn, 145
                                          Uncommon questions, Jonathan

                                                Hilley’s list of, 72

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