Page 223 - 301 Best Questions to Ask on Your Interview, Second Edition
P. 223

INDEX                                   impressions left when not
                                              asking, 3–4
Preparation, job interviews and,
      10–11                             about interviewers, 33–35
                                        irrelevant, asking, 24–25
Pressure, applying, to                  killer, 12–13
      interviewers, 163–64              leading, 20
                                        loaded, 20–21
Private companies, best                 memorably bad, 67, 69, 71, 77,
      questions for, 114
                                              79, 81, 85, 105, 129, 131,
Questioning attitudes, 9–10                   137, 151, 152, 157, 166
Questions. See also Best                memorably good, 64, 66, 75,
                                              89, 125, 130, 134, 138,
      questions                               139, 140, 145, 150–51,
   asking, that interviewers can              154, 155, 164, 165, 167,
                                              172, 180–82
          answer, 17–18                 about moving expenses,
   asking open-ended, 13                      185–86
   asking red flag, 5–8                 the preemptive, 38–40
   to avoid, x–xi                       about restrictions, 184–85
   avoiding desperation in, 21–22       rules for asking better,
   avoiding superlatives when                 13–25
                                        scenarios for asking, to gain
          asking, 19                          better control of job
   avoiding “What about me?,”                 interviews, 37–44
                                        self-limiting, avoiding,
          9, 22                               28–30
   avoiding why, 19                     short, asking, 13–14
   basic groups of, 115                 situations for waiting to ask,
   about benefits, 184                        43–44
   bid-for-action, 115, 153–62          that make hiring managers
   about community, 186–87                    take notice, ix–x
   about compensation, 27–28,           tips for asking powerful, 196
                                        waiting to ask, 43–44
          183                           working definition of,
   defensive, 115, 133–42                     xvi–xviii
   for differentiating yourself,        writing down, 11–12

   dumb, 1, 35–36
   exploring, 115, 121–32
   feedback, 115, 143–52
   four basic groups of, 115
   Jonathan Hilley’s list of

          uncommon, 72

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