Page 218 - 301 Best Questions to Ask on Your Interview, Second Edition
P. 218


Agencies, staffing, best questions       Best questions. See also
      for, 65–70                               Memorably good
                                               questions; Questions
Allies, making human resources
      interviewers your, 74–76              about business objectives,
Ames, Gary, 115
“ARTS” process, for overcoming              about company founders/
                                                   owners, 112–13
      objections, 148–50
Associations, trade, websites for,          about corporate culture,
Asyre, Diane, 180                           for headhunters, 65–70
                                            for high-level executives,
   asking red flag question and,
          5–6                                      122–23
                                            for hiring managers, 88–103
   great defensive questions                for human resources people,
          from, 141–42
   superstar questions from, 182            about information
Attitude strikeouts, top ten, of
                                                   technology, 128–31
      job candidates, 2                     about managing employees,
Attitudes, having questioning,
      9–10                                  for marketing positions, 132
                                            about positions, 124–28
Backus, Karen L., 164                       about private companies, 114
Bad questions. See Memorably                for recruiters, 65–70
                                            for sales positions, 132
      bad questions                         for staffing agencies, 65–70
Basic groups, of questions, 115          Bid-for-action questions, 115,
Bedore, Kimberly, 162
Beete, Paulette, 181                           153–67
Behaviors in interviews, most  , 49
                                         Body language, note taking and,
      unforgivable, 2
Behaviors, unforgivable, of job                58
                                         Brookshier, Janice, 165
      candidates, 2
Benefits, questions about, 184

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