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AND FUN FACTS ABOUT THE PLYMOUTH PUBLIC LIBRARY                                      Grand Opening

              Cordage Company gives the Loring
               Library to the town. It remained                     The PPLF Board of
               a branch library until 1973. When                      Trustees formed
                the Loring branch was closed,                          a Master Plan  The grand
               the books from the Loring Library   The PPLF purchases The  Committee. The plan  opening weeklong
                branch were distributed to the   Lindens, a family home  documented the need  celebration for the
                Plymouth Public Library, the   next door to the Russell  for a new Plymouth  South Street library
               Manomet branch library and the   building. Renovations  facility to bring  takes place on        The Thirtieth
                County House of Corrections.                      library services up to  Sunday, October   Anniversary of the
                                          completed in April, 1960.  statewide standards.  27, 1991.
                                                                                                          South Street library.
                         1939                 1959-60                       1984      1991                          2021

 1913                               1950-51                    1973                  1990
                             The inter library loan system is in   Manomet Branch    Ground breaking for the South
                            place. The North Street library has   Library moves      Street building, June, 1990.
                                                                                     Suffolk Construction Company
                           28,888 volumes in the collection, staff   from Bartlett Hall  wins the bid to build the new
                           of 5 ½ full-time employees, and is open   to a storefront on  main branch library.
                                  66 hours per week.        Point Road.
          1926                                                                   1988
       A branch library                                                          The PPLF initiates a fundraising campaign and raises money
      located in a private                                                       to purchase the property on South Street then moves on to
        home at Long                                                             apply for a grant from Massachusetts Library Improvements
       Pond serves the                                                           Act. After two failed attempts, Plymouth voters approve a
                                                                                 $9.725 million bond issue to build the library. The PPLF hires
       residents in that                                                         Sasaki Associates to design the building.
      area with a rotating
    collection of 200 books.
                                                                                                          First Poet
                                                                                                         Laureate of
                                                                                           Literacy      completed.
                                                                                         Department     Hot spots and
      Self-check-out                                                                        moves      Chromebooks
      machines                                                                              to new           start
      installed.                                                                         classrooms.     circulating.
      2007                                                                                  2018            2020

              2008                              2011 to 2015                2016                    2019          2021
              Literacy Program              Technology upgrades            The PPL             New Teen  Collection
              celebrates 20 years               and purchases of            Gallery         Space opens:       reaches
              of service to those           additional e-resources.         opens.                   New       194,253
              seeking to improve                                         Bongiovanni      programming,  items with
              reading, writing, and                                      Music Room  gaming stations,          231,342
              English-speaking                                            completed.             and new          items
              skills and seeking GED                                                         additions to  circulated!
              certification.                                                                 young adult

                                                                         Cover to Cover   Winter/Spring 2022 Issue     7
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