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        There are several annual giving levels.  You can
        also make a monthly pledge to reach a chosen
        giving level by the end of the year. Or ask your
        financial advisor if you are eligible to make a
        Qualified Charitable Distribution directly from an
        IRA to the Plymouth Public Library Foundation.

        MANUSCRIPT               $500 – $999

        HARDCOVER                $1,000 – $2,499

        FIRST PRINTING           $2,500 – $4,999

        LEATHERBOUND  $5,000 or more

           DONATE NOW                                                         Libraries are not made;
                                                                                        they grow -

                                                                                       Augustine Birrell

        As a member of the Legacy Society, you can
        include a gift to the Plymouth Public Library
        Foundation (PPLF) in your will or living trust or
        name the PPLF as a beneficiary of a life insurance
        policy, IRA or 401(k) account. We can also accept
        stock transfers and personal or real property as
        charitable gifts. These types of tax-deductible
        gifts benefit you and make a big difference to the
        greater Plymouth Public Library community.

        To let the Plymouth Public Library Foundation
        know about your planned giving intent,
        please fill out a Statement of Intent today at For additional information, or
        to talk to someone about your estate planning
        wishes, contact:

        Anne Phelan
        Plymouth Public Library Foundation
        508-830-4250 x216

        The PPLF is a 501(c)3 charitable organization
                                                                         Cover to Cover   Winter/Spring 2022 Issue     5
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