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A Brief Historical Timeline


                                                                                               Members of the Russell family
                                                                                   North St    donate property on North
                                                                                               Street for the purpose of having a
                                                                                               permanent location for the library.
                                                                                               The famous firm of Mc Kim, Mead,
                                                                                               and White design the new library.
                                                                 The library under the         It was the same firm that would
                                                                Association moves to           later design the portico over
                                                                 Pilgrim Hall Museum.          Plymouth Rock in 1920.
                                                                      1871                              1901

    1811                                            1856                               1886                          1913
    A subscription                        Plymouth Public Library                      Annual library book         Manomet
    library has 30                   Association incorporated into                     circulation 22,379; number  Neighborhood
    paying members.                   a non-profit organization that                   of volumes 11,753.   Library Association
                                     aims to provide quality library                                            begins loaning
                                            service to the town.                1880                           books to village
                                          The library has various     The Plymouth Public Library              residents, using
                                    locations, including the second   Association was reorganized              a room in an old
                                    floor of Plymouth Savings Bank.   into the Plymouth Public Library          school house.
                                                                      Corporation, the same organization
                                                                      that is today the Plymouth Public
                                                                      Library Foundation (PPLF). The
                                                                      library was turned over to the
                                                                      Town with the PPLF responsible
                                                                      for maintaining the buildings and

                      HIGHLIGHTS FROM THE 1990’S AND THE 2000’S

                                                                                   Library access
       Collection                                    PPL Literacy               increased to visually,
        reaches                                    program chosen               hearing, and mobility
     130,000 items                                as a national model.          challenged patrons.
          1992                                           1998                            2002

    1991                                         1997                    2000                                   2005
    Grand Opening                               First in         Upgrade to library                Main Library and
    South Street library.                   Massachusetts             computers                     Manomet branch
    Installation of                        cross-generation          and network                        equipped for
    public computers.                      Summer reading             equipment                      wireless access.

        6     Plymouth Public Library Foundation
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