Page 221 - Oxford West Investor Quarterly Report Academic Year 2021-2022 Quarter 2
P. 221

OneSite Rents v3.0  RISE Residential, LLC - Oxford West Apartments  Page 18 of 26
 01/03/2022  9:08:54AM  RENT ROLL DETAIL                            mgt-521-003
 As of 12/31/2021
 unit   Unit/Lease  Move-In  Lease  Lease  Trans  Lease  Charges/   Total  Dep balance
 Unit  Floorplan  designation  SQFT  Status  Name  Move-Out  Start  End  Code  Rent  Credits  Billing  On Hand

 167B  2x1  N/A  378  Occupied  Liu-1, Xinlu  08/16/2021 08/16/2021  07/31/2022   615.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00
 168A  2x1  N/A  378  Occupied  Qi, YueYi  08/01/2021 08/01/2021  07/31/2022   615.00   RENT   1,099.00    0.00    1,099.00    250.00    104.59
 N/A  Pending renewal Qi, YueYi  08/01/2021 08/01/2022  07/31/2023  RENT   1,099.00  *   0.00  *   1,099.00  *   0.00    0.00
 168B  2x1  N/A  378  Occupied  Qi-1, YueYi  08/01/2021 08/01/2021  07/31/2022   615.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00
 N/A  Pending renewal Qi-1, YueYi  08/01/2021 08/01/2022  07/31/2023  RENT   0.00  *   0.00  *   0.00  *   0.00    0.00
 169A  2x1  N/A  378  Occupied  Bai, Zhean  08/28/2017 08/01/2021  07/31/2022   615.00   RENT   615.00    0.00    615.00    250.00    53.32
 N/A  Pending renewal Bai, Zhean  08/28/2017 08/01/2022  07/31/2023  RENT   615.00  *   0.00  *   615.00  *   0.00    0.00
 169B  2x1  N/A  378  Vacant  VACANT      615.00    0.00  *   0.00  *
 170A  2x1  N/A  378  Vacant  VACANT      615.00    0.00  *   0.00  *
 170B  2x1  N/A  378  Vacant  VACANT      615.00    0.00  *   0.00  *
 171A  2x1  N/A  378  Occupied  Gao, Kangjie  08/01/2020 08/01/2021  07/31/2022   615.00   RENT   1,040.00    0.00    1,040.00    1,031.00    100.67
 171B  2x1  N/A  378  Occupied  Gao, Kangjie-1  08/16/2020 08/01/2021  07/31/2022   615.00   RENT   0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00
 178A  2x1  N/A  378  Vacant  VACANT      615.00    0.00  *   0.00  *
 178B  2x1  N/A  378  Vacant  VACANT      615.00    0.00  *   0.00  *
 179A  2x1  N/A  378  Vacant  VACANT      615.00    0.00  *   0.00  *
 179B  2x1  N/A  378  Vacant  VACANT      615.00    0.00  *   0.00  *
 180A  2x1  N/A  378  Occupied  Martin, James  08/02/2020 08/01/2021  05/31/2022   615.00   RENT   738.00    0.00    738.00    0.00    60.56
 180B  2x1  N/A  378  Occupied  Pfeiffer, Coulter  08/04/2020 08/01/2021  07/31/2022   615.00   PET RENT   0.00    30.00    645.00    0.00    88.16
                       RENT            615.00    0.00
 181A  2x1  N/A  378  Occupied  Cox, Madison  08/17/2021 08/17/2021  07/31/2022   615.00   PET RENT   0.00    30.00    580.00    0.00    86.80
                       RENT            550.00    0.00
 N/A  Pending renewal Cox, Madison  08/17/2021 08/01/2022  07/31/2023  PET RENT   0.00  *   30.00  *   580.00  *   0.00    0.00
                       RENT            550.00  *   0.00  *
 181B  2x1  N/A  378  Occupied  Cox, Grace  08/17/2021 08/17/2021  07/31/2022   615.00   PET RENT   0.00    30.00    580.00    0.00    86.80
                       RENT            550.00    0.00
 N/A  Pending renewal Cox, Grace  08/17/2021 08/01/2022  07/31/2023  PET RENT   0.00  *   30.00  *   580.00  *   0.00    0.00
                       RENT            550.00  *   0.00  *
 182A  2x1  N/A  378  Occupied  Howard, Molly  08/02/2020 08/01/2021  07/31/2022   615.00   RENT   600.00    0.00    600.00    0.00    43.35
 182B  2x1  N/A  378  Occupied  Geis, Caroline  08/02/2020 08/01/2021  07/31/2022   615.00   RENT   600.00    0.00    600.00    0.00    43.35
 183A  2x1  N/A  378  Occupied  Tan, Aoyong  08/01/2014 08/01/2020  07/31/2021   615.00   RENT   750.00    0.00    750.00    250.00    0.00
  * indicates amounts not included in detail totals
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