Page 25 - 전시가이드2021년 04월호
P. 25
흔적-2021, 90×90cm, Acrylic on canvas
Trace-2021 time I tried to draw the invisible rather than the visible.
With these unprecedented times caused by the pandemic, it led me
to expand my horizon of thought and reflect back to the time I was The harmonious mixture of colors in the deepest part of the lake
holding a brush with much passion and creativity for the arts. attempts to express our inner soul. The soul that reveals our human
frailty and weakness that we have no control over. This art is not
This was my twenties and thirties, sitting in front of the canvas con- simply a canvas but deep within, there are horizontal and vertical
fronted by not only my dreams but the challenges and reality I was lines tightly tied together that makes it immovable. In those immov-
going to face. Likewise, life flows like the Seattle canal and when it able lines are our precious time, people, our world, and death dis-
stops, it becomes a lake at the end. Year upon year have flown by played on this bleak canvas.
thus my feelings for art as well.
More than anything, these are the traces of my feelings bound by
Ironically, with my hands that have been tied up by the pandemic, I the pandemic.
was able to pull out the brush from my twenties and thirties. This