Page 7 - 이균 작가 팔순기념 재주여행기
P. 7

SUMMER in JEJU                                                                                  SUMMER in JEJU


 When I went to the beach in Jeju, I felt delighted and joyful simultaneously because my cousins

 and I went through the heavy waves, feeling the coolness of the water. Especially me and Seowoo,

 because we went and were brave and ran towards the vast waves. I liked it because it finally gave
 me a chance to feel my cousins like a family.

 From all these years, this has to be the best feeling I have experienced in my whole entire life.

 Additionally, everybody, even my cousin's parents, had a great time. Even though we all got wet

 and soggy, and filled our pockets with sand, it was worth cleaning it up.

 Then, we had a lovely, scrumptious dinner with our happy family, having a good night.

 August 15.2022

 Dow Kwon
 Grade 6

 Seoul International School
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