Page 29 - Nature Of Space And Time
P. 29


                                                 t 2 − t 1 = −i ;    2 =   1

                                            Z =       <  n | exp(− H) |   n >
                                               =     D[ ]exp(−iI[ ])

               sums over all  eld con gurations   n. This means that e ectively one is doing the path
               integral over all  elds   on a spacetime that is identi ed periodically in the imaginary
               time direction with period  . Thus the partition function for the  eld   at temperature
               T is given by a path integral over all  elds on a Euclidean spacetime. This spacetime is

               periodic in the imaginary time direction with period   = T    −1 .
                    If one does the path integral in 
at spacetime identi ed with period   in the imaginary
               time direction one gets the usual result for the partition function of black body radiation.
               However, as we have just seen, the Euclidean- Schwarzschild solution is also periodic in

               imaginary time with period    2  . This means that  elds on the Schwarzschild background

               will behave as if they were in a thermal state with temperature        .
                    The periodicity in imaginary time explained why the messy calculation of frequency
               mixing led to radiation that was exactly thermal. However, this derivation avoided the
               problem of the very high frequencies that take part in the frequency mixing approach.
               It can also be applied when there are interactions between the quantum  elds on the
               background. The fact that the path integral is on a periodic background implies that all

               physical quantities like expectation values will be thermal. This would have been very
               di cult to establish in the frequency mixing approach.
                    One can extend these interactions to include interactions with the gravitational  eld

               itself. One starts with a background metric g 0 such as the Euclidean-Schwarzschild metric
               that is a solution of the classical  eld equations. One can then expand the action I in a
               power series in the perturbations  g about g 0 .

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