Page 18 - Wonder Woods Parent Handbook
P. 18
8. Policies and Procedures
Wind Policy
Wonder Woods is proudly an outdoor woodland nursery. Our
Scottish weather just means we need a larger wardrobe. We
love to dance in the rain, make snow angels, relax in the sun
or lean into the wind.
Our children’s wellbeing and safety is of paramount importance to us. Due to our
location in a woodland, high winds increases the likelihood of branches falling
from trees.
To keep us all safe:
1. We get a yearly professional survey of our trees and any remedial work
carried out.
2. Each morning we look for any ‘hung ups’; broken branches not yet fallen.
3. We monitor the weather and conditions to ensure it is safe to be on site.
4. We will use the MET Office for weather guidance on wind speed, gust
speed and future forecasts.
We have used the Beaufort Wind Scale to inform the following:
1. MET Office forecast wind or gust speeds of Beaufort Scale 7
(32-38 mph) will result in an onsite risk assessment by staff and
hourly monitoring.
2. MET Office forecast wind or gust speed of Beaufort Scale 8
(39–46 mph) will result in plans in place to re-locate to The Range
Playground in Broxburn. The onsite manager will make the decision
to implement the plan.
3. MET Office forecast wind or gust speed of 44mph and above will
result in relocation to The Range Playground.
Scottish weather is notoriously changeable. For this reason, we will endeavor to
delay the decision to re-locate for as long as reasonably, practically and safely as
Plans should be made 24 hours prior to expected high wind.
Decision to implement plan should be left as reasonably and safely as possible. If
high winds are expected early morning, a decision will be made around 4pm the
day prior.