Page 4 - 2022 Chartwell Hospitality Managers
P. 4

Your Health

           Care Coverage

           Detailed information about each plan is in this section. If
           you have questions, please contact Human Resources.

           Chartwell Hospitality offers a major medical plan
           administered by UnitedHealthcare. The plan includes
           comprehensive health care benefits, including free
           preventive care services and coverage for prescription
           Customer Service Number: 1-866-633-2446
           Website:                                     IN/OUT-OF-NETWORK COVERAGE
                                                                      The medical plan features in- and out-of-network
           PRESCRIPTION DRUG PLAN                                     coverage; individual and family deductibles; copays;
           Do you know that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)    coinsurance; and out-of-pocket maximums.
           requires generic drugs to have the same strength and purity
           as brand-name drugs? Generic drugs can be just as effective   You may use in- or out-of-network providers. You will
           as their brand-name counterparts at a fraction of the price,   always pay less if you see a doctor or receive services
           so why would you spend more than you must on your          within the provider network because the plan pays more
           prescription medications? Choose generics and save!        for “in-network services.”

           Looking for a convenient way to purchase the prescription   DEDUCTIBLE
           medications you take on a regular basis? Have them         You must meet an annual deductible before the medical
           delivered straight to your home. With Home Delivery, you   plan begins to cover a portion of your costs. Once the
           can buy up to a three-month supply of medications you      deductible is met, the medical plan begins to pay for a
           take regularly and only pay a fraction of the 30-day supplies   percentage of covered expenses (this is called
           through retail. And you can order refills anytime online or   coinsurance).
           by phone.
                                                                      OUT-OF-POCKET MAXIMUMS
               1.  Log on to                            Out-of-pocket maximums apply to all the plans. This is
               2.  Click on “Manage My Prescriptions” and select      the maximum amount you will pay for health care costs
                  “Transfer Prescriptions”                            in a calendar year. Once you have reached the out-of-
               3.  Select the medications you would like to transfer   pocket maximum, the plan will fully cover eligible
                  to the mail service pharmacy                        medical expenses for the rest of the benefits plan year
                                                                      (except for any copayments). If you see an out-of
                                                                      network provider, you may be responsible for out-of-
                                                                      pocket costs that are considered above the “reasonable
                                                                      and customary” fees.
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