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Additional UHC
Care24 (Employee Assistance Program)
Care24 is a health and well-being concierge service in which
members are connected with a single point of contact who
guides them to clinical, wellness, financial, legal or counseling
resources through NurseLine and the Employee Assistance
Program (EAP) – 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Call the Health4Me
following toll-free number 1-888-887-4114 to get started! Health4Me is the mobile app- and it’s one more
Nurse Line – better clinical advocacy helping drive better way to easier manage your UnitedHealthcare health plan.
health outcomes Whether you’re traveling or just away from home, the
NurseLine’s registered nurses connect members to the right Health4Me app keeps your health information within reach,
treatment, right provider, right medication and right lifestyle by: wherever you go. Download Health4Me to your smartphone
• Answering questions about an illness or injury and you’ll get instant access to view your health plan details,
• Providing support on managing a chronic condition or generate a health plan ID card, check claims or find a doctor.
assessing treatment options It’s all right at your fingertips.
• Identifying UnitedHealth Premium providers and even
scheduling appointments Here are some of the ways the Health4Me app makes it easy
• Coaching on medication adherence, drug interactions or to manage your health plan on the go:
medication alternatives Find care.
• Providing preventive care information and healthy lifestyle • Use the search tool to find a network doctor, clinic or
coaching hospital.
Employee Assistant Program – Increasing workplace efficiency • Find options for quick care, such as nearby clinic, Urgent
Care24 provides confidential support to members for those Care or ER.
everyday challenges or even for more serious problems, Manage health plan details.
including: • Generate and share digital health plan ID cards.
• Stress, depression and anxiety • Compare costs and see provider reviews.
• Substance abuse • View claims and account balances.
• Financial and legal problems •
Find pharmacies and fill prescriptions.
• Parenting and family problems, including dealing with Get advice.
domestic violence •
• Eating disorders Contact a registered nurse 24/7 for advice about medical
• questions.
NEW - Back Pain Management Use the Talk to Me tool to ask a service representative to
Get 3 visits for lower back pain at no cost to you—with a call you and answer questions about claims and benefits.
network physical therapist or chiropractor.
NEW - Sanvello
With your first 3 visits to a network physical therapist or
On-demand help with stress, anxiety and depression.
chiropractor at $0 out-of-pocket cost, now’s a great time to take
Sanvello is a free app that offers clinical techniques to help
care of that new low back pain. Schedule an appointment today
dial down the symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression —
and get back to doing what you love.
anytime. Connect with powerful tools that are there for you
Benefits of Back Care: right as symptoms come up. Stay engaged each day for
• Reduce Pain - Early treatment may provide pain relief and benefits you can feel. Escape to Sanvello whenever you need
help prevent chronic pain down the road. to, track your progress and stay until you feel better.
• Pay $0 - Your first 3 back care visits are covered at $0 out- Download the app today. More information on
of-pocket with a network physical therapist or chiropractor.
Visit ® or call the number on your health plan
ID card to get connected with a network provider.