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United Healthcare  Care Cash (Available on all plans)

     What is Care Cash?
     A preloaded debit card that helps guide you to eligible care (and helps pay for it). Your card comes loaded with $200 individuals and $500 for
     family plans.

     Eligible members enrolled in any of the of Chartwell Hospitality medical plans will receive welcome communication directing them to an
     enrollment process on  Eligible members register or login to to enroll to receive the card. Once enrolled, the Care
     Cash card will be mailed to a member's confirmed address within 7-10 business days.

     What network care can I use it for?
     Care Cash can be used for: Virtual Visits, UnitedHealth Premium Care Physicians, Primary Care and Urgent Care

     Learn More at:

     Follow these 5 steps to reload an existing card

     1. Go to® > Coverage & Benefits.

     2. Scroll to the Care Cash section and select the Care Cash button

     3. Once you’re on the Care Cash page, select the Reload your card now button

     4. Follow the prompts to verify your address and contact info or make any required updates. When you’re finished, select the Reload now

     5. Make sure you get the confirmation message. When you do, you’ll know your request is complete. Your new balance will be available
      within 48 hours. You may continue to use your existing card
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