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Tobacco Free Workplace
Chartwell Hospitality is implementing a tobacco user surcharge effective January 1, 2022. If you wish to enroll in medical benefits,
you will need to complete a Tobacco Declaration. If you answer that you have been tobacco-free for 1 year or more, you will not be
subject to the surcharge. If you have used tobacco products of any kind in the past year, a Tobacco User Surcharge will apply. The
surcharge amount will be $25 per paycheck.
The definition for the use of tobacco includes cigarettes, pipes, cigars, smokeless/electronic devices and/or chewing tobacco —
regardless of frequency or method of use.
If you currently use tobacco products and want to start down the path to becoming tobacco-free, United Healthcare offers tobacco
cessation programs. We encourage those of you who use tobacco to take advantage of the cessation programs and products
available. Once you complete the cessation program, the surcharge will be removed from your paycheck deductions.
Get support to quit tobacco for good. Get started today!
Whatever your reason to quit tobacco, we’re here to help you succeed. Don’t let tobacco control you any longer and affect those
around you. With Quit Power®, you’ll get support from a wellness coach who will help you establish behaviors that may result in a
healthier, smoke-free life.
Our coaches are ready to start working with you, so log on to or give us a call today at 866-633-2446.
The UHC QuitPower Program features:
• Up to eight weeks of the patch or gum*
• Your own personal coach to guide you through each step of the quitting process
• Motivation and inspiration to keep you on track for success
• No extra cost — the program is already part of your benefits
Quitting smoking lowers the
risk of heart attack, stroke,
lung cancers, and other
cancers by 50% – 100%