Page 8 - PetVet 2022 Master Benefits Guide_Final
P. 8


       Anthem BlueCross             Plan 3: $1,400 Deductible  Plan 4: $3,000 Deductible   Plan 5: $6,000 Deductible
       BlueShield                        Plan with HSA               Plan with HSA              Plan with HSA
                                    In-Network      Out-of-     In-Network     Out-of-     In-Network     Out-of-
                                                   Network                    Network                     Network
       Calendar Year  Deductible (1/1 – 12/31)
       Single                         $1,400        $2,650        $3,000       $6,000        $6,000       $10,000
       Family                         $2,800        $5,200        $6,000       $12,000      $12,000       $20,000
       Coinsurance                     80%           50%           70%          50%          100%          70%
       Calendar Year Out-of-Pocket Maximum (includes deductible)
       Single                         $2,650        $5,200        $6,550       $12,000       $6,000       $12,000
       Family                         $5,200       $10,400        $7,150       $24,000      $12,000       $24,000
       Deductible and Out-of-Pocket
                                           Aggregate*                 Aggregate*                  Embedded
       Maximum Type
                                                   Subject to                 Subject to                 Subject to
                                    Covered at                  Covered at                 Covered at
       Preventive Care                          deductible and              deductible and             deductible and
                                      100%                        100%                       100%
                                                  coinsurance                coinsurance                coinsurance
                                    Subject to     Subject to   Subject to    Subject to   Covered at    Subject to
       Office Visit: Primary Care   deductible and  deductible and deductible and deductible and  100% after  deductible and
                                   coinsurance    coinsurance  coinsurance   coinsurance      ded.      coinsurance
                                    Subject to     Subject to   Subject to    Subject to   Covered at    Subject to
       Office Visit: Specialist   deductible and  deductible and deductible and deductible and  100% after  deductible and
                                   coinsurance    coinsurance  coinsurance   coinsurance      ded.      coinsurance
       Outpatient Surgery,
       Diagnostic and Therapeutic   Subject to     Subject to   Subject to    Subject to   Covered at    Subject to
       Services (CT Scans, PET    deductible and  deductible and deductible and deductible and  100% after  deductible and
       Scans, MRI)                 coinsurance    coinsurance  coinsurance   coinsurance      ded.      coinsurance
                                    Subject to     Subject to   Subject to    Subject to   Covered at    Subject to
       Hospital Stay              deductible and  deductible and deductible and deductible and  100% after  deductible and
                                   coinsurance    coinsurance  coinsurance   coinsurance      ded.      coinsurance

                                    Subject to   Covered as IN;  Subject to  Covered as IN;  Covered at  Covered as IN;
       Emergency Room             deductible and  subject to ded.  deductible and subject to ded.   100% after  subject to ded.
                                   coinsurance    and coins.   coinsurance    and coins.      ded.       and coins.

                                    Subject to     Subject to   Subject to    Subject to   Covered at    Subject to
       Urgent Care                deductible and  deductible and deductible and deductible and  100% after  deductible and
                                   coinsurance    coinsurance  coinsurance   coinsurance      ded.      coinsurance

        Aggregate means there is one deductible that applies to all covered family members. Once expenses for
         one person or any combination of 2 or more family members meet the deductible, the plan begins
         paying coinsurance for all covered family members.
        If you enroll in the $1,400, $3,000, or $6,000 Deductible Plans with HSA, you are not eligible to elect a
         Health Care Flexible Spending Account (FSA) , and you are eligible for a Health Savings Account (HSA).

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