Page 11 - 2022 New Relic Guide
P. 11

Summary of Your    Your Health                    Pre-Tax Spending    Life/AD&D                                        Where to Find
                                                         Dental & Vision
     How to Get Started                                  Dental & Vision                                        401(k)      Additional Benefits
                        Contributions      Benefits                          Accounts        Disability                                          Support


            MetLife PDP Plus Dental PPO                                           VSP Signature Vision PPO

                                        In-Network           Out-of-Network*                                  In-Network           Out-of-Network
             ANNUAL DEDUCTIBLE                                                     COST
             Individual                                           $50              Exams (every calendar year)  $25 copay        Reimbursed up to $50
             Family                                              $150                                        $150 allowance
                                                                                   Frames (every calendar year)  + 20% off amount    Reimbursed up to $70
             ANNUAL BENEFIT MAXIMUM                                                                         over the allowance
             Individual                   $2,000                 $2,000            LENSES (EVERY CALENDAR YEAR)*
             Preventive Services**          $0                    $0               Single                                        Reimbursed up to $50
                                                                                                            Copay combined
             Basic Services**              20%             20% after deductible    Bifocal                     with exam         Reimbursed up to $75
             Major Services**              50%             50% after deductible    Trifocal                                     Reimbursed up to $100
             ORTHODONTIA                                                           Contact Lenses         $150 allowance in lieu    Reimbursed up to $105
                                                                                                           of frames and lenses
             Adults and Children           50%                    50%
                                                                                   PRIMARY EYE CARE
             Lifetime Maximum             $2,000                 $2,000            (Medical and urgent eye care.
                                                                                   VSP doctor can diagnose, treat
            * Out-of-network dentists may not accept MetLife’s dental program allowance as payment   common eye conditions &   $20 copay  Not Covered
            in full. MetLife will reimburse out-of-network claims at the maximum allowed amount   more serious conditions).
            based on a reasonable and customary (R&C) determination. For the New Relic plan,   No referral is required.
            out-of-network claims are paid at the 90th percentile of R&C. The member is responsible
            to pay charges above the maximum allowed amount.                      * Lens Enhancements included: Anti-reflective coating, UV Protection, Photochromic
                                                                                  lenses, Tinted lenses, Scratch Coating and Blue Tech Lenses.
            ** Please refer to the plan summary for detailed information about these categories
            of service.                                                           PLEASE NOTE: The benefits illustrated in this booklet are meant to serve as a summary of
                                                                                  the benefits available under each carrier's plan. Reference carrier plan summary for full
                                                                                  benefit information. Should any discrepancies arise, the carrier's documents supersede
                                                                                  these illustrations.

                        MetLife Dental Nerd Life                                                VSP Vision Nerd Life

                                                                                                                         2022 US Benefits Guide
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