Page 12 - 2022 New Relic Guide
P. 12

Summary of Your    Your Health                    Pre-Tax Spending     Life/AD&D                                       Where to Find
                                                                         Pre-Tax Spending
     How to Get Started                                  Dental & Vision                                        401(k)      Additional Benefits
                        Contributions      Benefits                          Accounts         Disability                                         Support


            How Does This Benefit Work?                                      HEALTH CARE FSA                          DEPENDENT CARE FSA

               » Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) are like      PROVIDER
              checking accounts that can be funded                          Navia Benefit Solutions                   Navia Benefit Solutions
              using pre-tax dollars deducted directly           MAXIMUM PRE-TAX CONTRIBUTION AMOUNT
              from  your  paycheck.
               » Eligible health care or dependent care                        IRS Maximum                                IRS Maximum
              expenses can be reimbursed from                   WHAT EXPENSES ARE ALLOWED?
              these  accounts.                                   Eligible Expenses                          Eligible Expenses
                » Your  FSA  election is       and               •  Health-related costs                    •  Workday child care services
                                                                   (medical, dental, and vision copays)
              changes are not permitted unless you               •  Prescription and over-the-counter medication  •  Cost of care at a licensed day care
                                                                                                            •  Before- or after-school care
              experience     a qualifying  life  event.  Be      •  And more                                •  Elder care
              sure to carefully estimate your expenses           Ineligible Expenses                        Ineligible Expenses
              before  making  your  annual  election.            •  Cosmetic surgery                        •  Education expenses

                » Flexible  Spending  Accounts  are  subject to  •  Non-prescription medication             •  Transportation expenses for childcare
              a "Use it or Lose it" rule, meaning unused         •  Life insurance premiums                 •  Childcare expenses for children over the age
                                                                                                              of 12
                                       forfeiture at
                expenses  are  subject to          the
              end of      calendar  year.                       WHAT IF I PARTICIPATE IN AN HDHP?
                                                                   If you enroll in a High Deductible Health Plan,
                                                                                                            •  Children under the age of 13
               » If you have funds remaining in your Health        you can still enroll in a Limited Purpose Health   WHO QUALIFIES AS AN ELIGIBLE DEPENDENT?
                                                                                                            •  Spouse, parent, other dependents age 13+
              Care or Limited Purpose FSA at the end              Care FSA. The Limited Purpose Health Care FSA   who are physically or mentally incapable
              of the year, you may roll over up to $570           should only be used for eligible dental and vision   of self-care
              of unused FSA dollars to be spent in the
                following  plan  year.  Consult  your  full  plan    WHERE CAN I GET MORE INFORMATION?
              summary    for  more  details.                            IRS Publication 502: Medical and     IRS Publication 503: Child and Dependent Care
                                                                       Dental Expenses, available online at   Expenses list eligible expenses, available online at
                                                                         or by calling 1-800-TAX-FORM.              or by calling 1-800-TAX-FORM.

                                                                                  FSA Claims

                  2022 US Benefits Guide
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