Page 17 - 2022 New Relic Guide
P. 17
Summary of Your Your Health Pre-Tax Spending Life/AD&D Where to Find
How to Get Started Dental & Vision 401(k) Additional BenefitsAdditional Benefits
Contributions Benefits Accounts Disability Support
PTO and Holidays DataNerds4Good
New Relic’s commitment to you doesn’t end New Relic’s employee volunteer program, DataNerds4Good, exists to help Relics
with your workday. Maintaining a healthy engage in their communities through volunteerism and service. As an employee you
balance between work and the rest of receive 2 paid Volunteer Time Off (VTO) days per calendar year. Use them all to be
your life can make a big difference for your eligible for Volunteer Rewards!
overall wellbeing. Your benefits investment
includes plenty of options to help. New Through the Employee Portal, you can sign up for New Relic
Relic offers 11 paid holidays, 2 days of paid volunteer opportunities, track your volunteer time, earn and use Volunteer Rewards,
Volunteer Time Off (VTO), Flexible Time Off donate to causes you care about, and create volunteer opportunities and giving
(FTO) for exempt (salaried) employees and campaigns for other Relics to join!
21 days of accrued PTO for non-exempt
(hourly) employees. New Relic supports
and encourages employees to take time
with friends and family, and to contribute in Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP)
their community.
The ESPP is a voluntary plan that allows employees to take an ownership interest in
New Relic will observe the following
holidays. Refer to Nerd Life for more New Relic and rewards you for your continued service and commitment. Through
information. the ESPP, you may purchase Company shares at a discount from the market price
through convenient payroll deductions.
» New Year's Day
You contribute to the plan through payroll deductions, which build up between the
» Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
offering date and the purchase date. At the purchase date, the Company uses the
» Presidents' Day accumulated funds to purchase shares in the Company on your behalf. The price
» Memorial Day that you pay for the stock is the stock price at the time you started contributing to
the plan (first day of offering period) or the stock price at the time you purchased
» Juneteenth
the shares, whichever is lower, with a discount of 15%. You may contribute between
» Independence Day 1 – 15% of your base salary to the ESPP to be applied to the purchase of shares of
» Labor Day the Company’s stock. New Relic’s offering periods are August 15 – February 14 and
» Thanksgiving Holiday February 15 – August 14.
» Winter Holiday You will receive a notice from the Stock Administration Team when you are eligible
to enroll.
2022 US Benefits Guide