Page 18 - 2022 New Relic Guide
P. 18
Summary of Your Your Health Pre-Tax Spending Life/AD&D Where to Find
Additional Benefits
How to Get Started Dental & Vision 401(k) Additional Benefits
Contributions Benefits Accounts Disability Support
MetLife Voluntary Legal Benefit
During your lifetime, you may need legal help more often than
you think. MetLife Legal is a voluntary legal program available
to all employees working 20+ hours. With the legal plan, you
get direct access to a national network of attorneys who Carrot Family Planning
provide telephone advice and office consultations on a wide
range of personal legal matters — all for a monthly fee. There are many ways Relics may seek to expand their families.
Carrot is an inclusive family-forming benefit helping our eligible
Examples of Covered Legal Services Include: employees and their partners pursue any path to parenthood.
» Agency and placement fees (including home study fees) Unlike many plans that require a medical diagnosis of infertility,
» Preparation of wills and trusts benefits through Carrot ensure access to quality care regardless
» Real estate matters of a diagnosis. This includes education, fertility treatment, fertility
» Consumer protection, financial matters, and identity planning, IVF/IUI, genetic testing, adoption, surrogacy and fertility
theft defense preservation.
» Document preparation and review Eligible expenses can be reimbursed at 100% up to $6,000 per
» Traffic offenses year, or $18,000 per lifetime per employee/household.
» Family law, including adoptions, getting married or
getting divorced Download the Carrot App
» Immigration assistance
Special Note for Employees Enrolled in an HDHP: If you are
Monthly Rate: $21.00
enrolled in an HDHP (a plan that generally permits you to
make or receive HSA contributions), you must meet the IRS | 800-821-6400 statutory deductible which is $1,400 for an individual and
$2,800 for a family.
This limitation is designed to ensure that the infertility HRA
does not cause you to become ineligible to make or receive
HSA contributions. In most cases, out-of-pocket expenses for
infertility services do not count toward satisfying the HDHP
statutory deductible because they are not covered by the plan.
2022 US Benefits Guide