Page 11 - 2022 Clari Open Enrollment Benefits Guide
P. 11

        Prescription Drugs

        Your medical plan includes prescription drug coverage. You pay a                                   Quick Tip
        different copayment depending on the “tier” or class of drug. Generic                              You should always use a participating
        drugs are always the least expensive. You’ll pay more for brand name                               pharmacy (one that is contracted by your
        drugs and drugs not on the formulary list.                                                         medical plan) to get the best price. You can
                                                                                                           access a list of pharmacies through your
        A formulary is a list of drugs that are preferred by the plan. Plans                               plan’s website or by calling member services.
        use formularies to make sure members are using the most cost-                                      This is especially important in a High
        effective drugs. You can learn more about your plan’s prescription                                 Deductible Health plan because you pay the
        drug coverage, including what drugs are on the formulary, by visiting                              full cost of your prescription drugs until you
        your plan’s website. Cigna's formulary can be found here. Select the                               meet your deductible.
        Advantage formulary.

        Terms to Know

        As you choose your medical plan, consider the following types of costs and how they compare from plan to plan:

        Deductible                           Coinsurance                          Copayment                           Out-of-Pocket Maximum
        The amount you must pay              When you pay a percentage            A fixed amount you pay for a        Protects you from big
        before the plan begins sharing       of the cost and your insurance       service. Copayments are paid        medical bills. This is the most
        in the costs. You pay this           pays the rest, your share is         up front at the time of service.    you would pay for eligible
        full amount out-of-pocket, if        called  “coinsurance” amount.        There may be different copay        expenses during a plan year.
        required by your plan. The High      Say you’ve met your deductible.  amounts for different services.         Once the out-of-pocket max
        Deductible Health Plan and the       If your plan has a 20%               For example, your copay for         is met, the plan pays 100%
        PPO Plan have this feature.          coinsurance for an in-network        generic Rx is $10.                  of the usual, customary and
                                             X-ray, and your recent X-ray was                                         reasonable (UCR) rates.
                                             $100, you will owe $20.

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