Page 12 - 2022 Clari Open Enrollment Benefits Guide
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        Cigna Dental PPO                                                                CIGNA DENTAL PPO PLAN

        (Group # 0623765)
                                                              BENEFIT                       IN-NETWORK                       OUT-OF-NETWORK
        Love your smile! Your dental plan
        pays for preventive care, but it also       Annual Deductible                                  Individual $50 / Family $150 max
        pays for a significant portion of
        additional dental care. You can save        Diagnostic & Preventive Care                     Covered at 100%, deductible waived
        money and receive higher benefits           Basic Care                   You pay 10%, after deductible      You pay 20%, after deductible
        with preferred, in-network dentists.
                                                    Major Care                   You pay 40%, after deductible      You pay 50%, after deductible
        You can download the myCigna app                                                                         $2,000
        and have your dental ID card always         Calendar Year Benefit Maximum                        Combined in/out-of-network
        at your fingertips, wherever you are,                                       Costs the plan pays towards Diagnostic and Preventive care apply to the Maximum
        whenever you need it.                       Orthodontic Care
                                                    (Coverage: Adult & Child)                                  You pay 50%
        Otherwise, you can contact Human
        Resources to receive a dental-only          Lifetime Orthodontia Maximum                         Combined in/out-of-network
        ID card. Dental ID cards are
        non-personalized.                          Commonly used benefit attributes are listed above; additional benefit information is available in your plan summary. Benefits vary slightly in Texas.

        Here’s the difference between in-network and out-of-network dentist costs

        •  In-network dentists have agreed to limit their fees, which is why it is very important to confirm your selected dentist is in the Cigna
           network. If your dentist’s bill is higher than the agreed upon amount for a covered service, you are not responsible for paying the
           extra charges.
        •  Out-of-network dentists, on the other hand, have not agreed to limit their fees. Cigna decides how much they will pay based on UCR
           (usual, customary and reasonable) dentist charges in your area. The difference from using an in-network dentist is that you will be
           responsible for paying any extra charges.

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