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800-311-4327 i i 800-433-5768
(Web ID: GEN311)
Mental Health Resources Resources Available Through Cigna
We all have times when we feel down, stressed, or worried. Whether it’s related to work, health, Your mental health is just as important as your physical health to ensure your overall well-being.
family or relationships, it can be difficult to balance the many demands we face. Taking that first Cigna offers several ways to help you and your family overcome whatever life sends your way.
step to getting care can feel challenging, but you are certainly not alone. Plymouth Rock has several
programs to support you and your family members in the area of mental health. Whether you Cigna Behavioral Health Network
prefer in-person visits, virtual appointments or apps, there is a resource available to meet your
needs. Cigna members have access to a network of behavioral health specialists to help with various concerns including, but
not limited to depression, anxiety and addiction. Many specialists in the network offer both office visits and virtual
Employee Assistance Program
You and members of your household have the ability to contact confidential work-life balance program experts at
ComPsych through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP). The EAP is available whenever you like, and as often as To find a mental health specialist, call the Behavioral Health Support
you need, at no cost to you. It provides unlimited telephone consultations with masters-level consultants, web-based line directly at 800-433-5768.
EMOTIONAL WELL-BEING You can use the EAP for issues including: MDLive is another option to get the care you need without leaving the comfort of your EMOTIONAL WELL-BEING
tools and online information.
• Coping with stress, anxiety and depression
home. You can have a virtual office visit with a board certified therapist or physician in non-
emergency situations. For the cost of an office visit, this service eliminates the stress of
• Organization tips and prioritization ideas
getting to your doctor’s office and taking time off of work. Register at
• Caring for an elderly relative or finding senior assistance
now to save you time when you need it!
• Raising children and finding child care in your area
• Dealing with a family member who has an addiction
• Improving your health or controlling a chronic condition Ginger offers confidential behavioral health coaching via text-based chats, self-guided
learning activities and content, and, if needed, video-based therapy and psychiatry. Therapy
• Getting out of debt and managing your finances and psychiatry visits are processed as regular mental health office visits through Cigna and
• Problems with a manager or coworker coaching is charged as an office visit once every 30 days. Download the Ginger emotional
support app from your smartphone and follow the instructions sent to your email to get started.
• Relationship issues, legal issues and much more
Talkspace is an online therapy platform that matches you with a licensed professional based
on your preferences and needs. You can send private messages, or hold live video sessions with
your dedicated therapist through a secure digital app platform. To schedule an appointment,
visit Engaging with a Talkspace therapist is subject to the same co-pay
or co-insurance (after deductible) that would apply to an in-person visit.
iPrevail is a free web and app-based behavioral therapy program that gives you access to:
• One-on-one virtual peer counseling with specialists who have overcome their own
challenges with depression, substance use and more
• Interactive lessons and tools to help you take control of stress, anxiety, and negative
thoughts and feelings
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