Reedley Exponent 8-23-18 E-edition
P. 1
Ancient Chinese exercise tai chi helps seniors
Winning openers for local volleyball teams
Reedley (Fresno County) CA 93654 | 50 cents
School’s back in session
The 2018-19 school year began at Immanuel Schools on Aug. 15. Immanuel Elementary, Immanuel Junior High and Immanuel High School all had special sessions to welcome stu- dents back for another year. The new school year also began Aug. 15 for Kings Canyon Uni- fied District Schools, including Reedley and Orange Cove high schools. More on Page B1.
TOP: Students in Karen Goetz’s first grade class recited the Pledge of Allegiance and Pledge to the Bible before the first day of class at Immanuel Elementary School.
ABOVE: Ashleigh Sorensen told what Immanuel High School offers students along with classmates Danielle Jefferies and Parker Philpott during a first day assembly in the chapel.
LEFT: Kim Thiesen, Immanuel Elementary principal, welcomed back students as sixth grade student leaders (from left) Stephanie Wall, Romualdo Quintal and Owen Jackson listen.
Photos by Jon Earnest / The Exponent
Chamber’s Fiesta theme is ‘Jump in on the fun’
Vol. 129, No. 34 | Thursday, August 23, 2018
Council amends splash pad regulations By Jon Earnest
The city is preparing for this fall’s completion of the new splash pad facility in west Reedley with added regulations and minor tweaks to the public parks chapter.
At its Aug. 14 meeting, the Reedley City Council unanimously approved the changes to Trimble Park, the name recommended in June by the Community Services Commission. The splash park is still being built and is expected to be completed by Oct. 1.
Sarah Reid, the city’s commu- nity services director, said that the new regulations will have the season run from Memorial Day to Labor Day with the park open daily from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
“I’m still envisioning a ribbon cutting [this year],” Reid said. “Pos- sibly a small season if the weather stays hot. We could extend those hours some.” Reid said days and hours could be extended or de- creased because of weather condi- tions.
The revision adds Trimble Park — named for the late Luke Trimble, whose name also was on the long- time community pool that had been at the site before closing in 2011 — to the city’s list of parks and replac- es the previous wording of “swim- ming pool park.” Other parks listed in the city are C.F. Mueller Park, Camacho Park, Citizens Park, Crick- et Hollow Park, Pioneer Park, Reed- ley Beach and Smith Ferry. Reed- ley’s Sports Park also was added in the recent council action.
Revisions to the park regula- tions included adding the wording “water feature” and the prohibiting of placing any harmful substance in addition to the wording “contami- nate.” Other regulations include requiring a permit for any alcohol consumption at the park, and any al- cohol in the park is prohibited after dusk. Any permit would need to be approved by the chief of police.
A written permit would be nec- essary for any planned gathering of more than 25 people.
“If you’re looking for exclusive use, we ask for two-week notice and fill out a permit,” Reid said. “As far as 25, that’s kind of our benchmark.”
City Manager Nicole Zieba said the regulation is meant to cover for- mal large gatherings.
“If it’s sort of a pickup picnic on a Sunday afternoon where you’re deciding to go to the park and more than 25 show up, we’re not going to kick you out of the park,” she said. “Nor are you going to get cited for not having a permit.”
See COUNCIL on page A8
By Jon Earnest
The Greater Reedley Chamber of Commerce is busy preparing for the 53rd annual Reedley Fiesta in October, with the theme of “Jump in on the fun!”
The theme is inspired by this year’s 50th anniversary of the Reedley Frog Jump Contest, which inspired a contest to name a new frog mascot designed for the annual Fiesta. Reedley artist Abrianna Lopez designed the frog mas- cot, and the Fiesta Committee now has selected
three finalists for community members to vote
Erik Valencia, chamber director, said the or-
ganization collected more than 200 submissions for names from the public and the Fiesta Com- mittee went through the process to narrow the picks to three finalists.
“We took the time to make sure that none of
the names selected were already in use by other frog characters,” Valencia said. “We also wanted to select names that were in the positive spirit of the Reedley Fiesta.
Valencia said the committee is putting these three names up for public vote: “Buddy,” “Reed” and “Ribberto.” Votes can be submitted online at or accepted in person at the chamber office, 1633 11th St. Vot- ing ends the end of workday on Friday, Aug. 31.
See FIESTA on page A8
Nominations sought for King & Queen, Page A4
Local football teams look to bounce back in home openers
Jon Earnest / The Exponent
Reedley High School quarterback Gannon Gabaldon (3) walked up to the line to take the snap from center during a 45-0 season-opening loss at Sanger on Aug. 17. The Pirates open their home season on Friday, Aug. 24, against Sierra Pacific High School from Hanford.
Staff Report
The Reedley High School and Imman- uel High School varsity football teams will try to collect their first victories of the 2018 season in their respective home openers on Friday, Aug. 24.
Reedley High, which lost its season opener by a 45-0 score at county rival Sanger High School, hosts Sierra Pacific High School from Hanford in a scheduled 7:30 p.m. kickoff at Sal Gonzales Field. The Pirates also have home games against Di- nuba, Roosevelt, McLane and Sunnyside.
Immanuel, meanwhile, lost by a 21-6 score to Roosevelt High School in a game played at Sunnyside High School in Fres- no. The Eagles will takes on the Farmers- ville High Aztecs at the Immanuel Sports Complex.
Other upcoming home games for Im- manuel are Friday, Sept. 14, against Cen- tral Valley Christian of Visalia and Fri- day, Oct. 5, against Liberty High School of Madera.
More details are in Sports, Page B3.
Chris Aguirre / The Exponent
Winston Williams (24) scored Immanuel High School’s lone touchdown in a 21-6 loss to Roosevelt in the Aug. 17 season opener at Sunnyside High School in Fresno. The Eagles’ home opener is Friday, Aug. 24, against Farmersville High in a scheduled 7:30 p.m. varsity kickoff at the Immanuel Sports Complex.
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