Mid Valley Times 9-3-20 E-edition
P. 1
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Vol. 2, No. 10
State revises its county monitoring process, an update on Reedley's cases
By Jon Earnest
Mid Valley Times
Hair salons and barbershops in Fresno and Tulare counties finally were able to reopen ear- lier this week following a seven-week absence, after California government and health lead- ers changed its "county monitoring" system to a four-tiered, color-coded method of tracking the status of Coronavirus cases in the state.
At the same time, Central Valley cities con- tinue the struggle to get positive case numbers under control; with the hope of declining num-
SeeCOVID-19onpage A6
Rick Curiel / Mid Valley Times
Hair salons and barbershops were allowed to reopen Aug. 31 under new California pandemic guidelines, to the delight of many workers in the field and patrons alike. Janelle Gonzalez, owner of Teaze Hair Studio in down- town Sanger and pictured above styling a customer’s hair on Sept. 1, said customers are excited to come back into her salon.
Fresno County warns public on Labor Day holiday gatherings
MVT Staff Report
As the Valley approaches the Labor Day holiday this weekend, Fresno County officials remind the community to avoid large gatherings in an ongoing effort to combat the spread of COVID-19.
“Fresno County can’t move forward in our recovery unless we all work together to help slow the spread of the virus,” said Buddy Mendes, Chairman of the Fresno County Board of Supervisors. “Social gatherings continue to be among the lead-
See HOLIDAYonpageA6
Group's endorsement withdrawn in Sanger's mayor race
MVT Staff Report
The Sanger Veterans Net- work has formally withdrawn its endorsement for Sanger City Councilmember Eli Onti- veros’ bid to run for mayor in the November election, said SVN’s Chairman JD Bennett.
The decision was made after an oversight regarding Ontiveros’ opponent, current Sanger Mayor Frank Gonza- lez. In the past, the Sanger Veterans Network has sup- ported both candidates in separate campaigns but was unaware, until recently, that
50 cents
Coronavirus Update — Reopenings, Battling To Control The Spread
Hair salons, barbers able to reopen
Business complex takes shape
Downtown Dinuba facility nearing its completion this month
By George M. Villagrana
Mid Valley Times
A taqueria, barbershop and a govern- ment office will be some of the tenants of a new business complex in downtown Dinuba.
Owner Jose Trevino said the family is trying to motivate Dinuba residents to stay in town and spend their money.
“By doing this building combined with the bowling alley, we’re trying to see if we can get this place alive.”
Dinuba Chamber of Commerce Presi- dent/CEO Sandy Sills said the business complex, located at 220 and 230 S. L St., will draw more people to downtown.
“It adds foot traffic and an opportu- nity for people to shop at our businesses
See COMPLEXonpageA5
Work continued last week on the exte-
rior facing of a new business complex at 220and230LSt.in downtown Dinuba. The new complex is 10,000-square-feet, features 10 office spaces and will include a taqueria, barbershop and a government office. "It adds foot traffic and an opportunity for people to shop at our businesses down- town," said Sandy Sills, CEO for the Dinuba Chamber of Com- merce.
George M. Villagrana / Mid Valley Times
MVT offices will close on Sept. 7 in observance of Labor Day
The Mid Valley Times' business offices in Dinuba, Reedley and Sanger will be closed on Monday, Sept. 7, in observance of the La- bor Day holiday.
There will be early deadlines this week be- cause of the office clo- sure. Classified liner ads and legal notices are due by noon on Thursday, Sept. 3. Regular and classified display ads also are due by noon on Thursday, Sept. 3.
The Times' three of- fices will reopen for busi- ness at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 8.
Guerrero is new Parlier Unified superintendent
Last served as associate superintendent at school district in Bay Area
MVT Staff Report
The Parlier Unified School District Board of Trustees announced the ap- pointment of Altagracia "Gracie" Guer- rero as the district's new superintendent during the district's regular board meet- ing on Aug. 25.
Guerrero, an educator for 26 years in Texas and California, most recently served as the associate superintendent and chief academic officer in the West Contra Costa Unified School District based in the Bay Area city of Richmond. She was hired by the district after an extensive search process, and immedi-
ately began her new job. She replaces Ron Hudson, who had served as interim su- perintendent since June 23.
Carlos Lopez pres-
ident of the PUSD
Board of Trustees,
said that Guerrero
was selected for the
position based on her
track record in making student-focused decisions that support academic success. Her extensive background in bilingual and multilingual education was one of her strengths.
"We want to thank our entire commu- nity who played an active role during the very public process," Lopez said in a news release. "We believe Dr. Guerrero will be a visionary leader and a great
match for our staff, students and com- munity.”
Guerrero has served as a teacher for bilingual/ESL students, assistant princi- pal, principal, director for multilingual services and assistant superintendent for multilingual programs. The native of Rioverde, San Luis Potosi, Mexico is herself a product of the bilingual/ESL program, enrolling in U.S. public schools in fourth grade.
The board said Guerrero's personal experiences with the English as Second Language program were a big plus.
“I am grateful for the opportunity to work with the Parlier Unified School Dis- trict community," Guerrero said in the news statement. "I am ready to work col- laboratively to provide all students with an exceptional educational experience.”
SeeGUERREROonpage A2
Gracie Guerrero
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