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from developing countries like India, Pakistan,
Vietnam, Malaysia. All these countries they are
quite actively using the AI tools for them to
manage their product, to manage their marketing
services, their customer engagement...
Some of the SMEs are not good at English or of
their buyer’s language. The AI tools can help them
to auto-pilot to answer and reply to questions
from the buyers. So, they are leveraging these
tools as much as possible so they can help them
to improve their business performance.
The second layer is about the how to use AI to
become a knowledge engine and the decision
engine. So, if you for example, if you are a SME
I think the first question that you want to ask is
that what kind of product I should make, and
what kind of market I'm targeting and finally them to meet the cap and to accelerate it very
what kind of products are of interest to the much. We use about a half a year to kind of
customers. So these are the first set of questions cover our first tools
that I need to answer.
So, we launched it in last October and from then
All this AI tools can help you to kind of get actually we are keeping moving our tools. Since
straight of mind, where you are targeting the power of AI actually keep growing, and the
marketing, the customers needs today and the model size is growing and the inference capability
data analytics. They can also help you to generate the power is growing and we're just leveraging
all ideas that can help you to work, to find that power to make sure that we can get our tools
suppliers to do your product. In the end is going better and better. Currently, you know when the
to be a kind of engine of creativity for the buyers sellers they want to generate a text or they want
so they can have a dream of their product. We to generate image for their product we give them
can help them to generate all their requests and multiple choices and we track the data. Actually
then send the quotations to the suppliers using 70% of all the choices we provided to the sellers
the AI tools like a Palette or auto palette for they will be accepted. They think it's better than
them to kind of communicate to the suppliers what they read or what they what they take for
and guess. So, these are going to be the different themselves. The further for the kind of content
perspectives using tools for how both the buyers we generate for the suppliers so it can attract
and the sellers. 27% of more traffic for them. The AI actually
help them to optimize all the data how to have
It's very impressive because all these are all to Optimize all the kind of keywords and
technology tools. How long time did it take to the images and then we can Using kind of AI to
develop them? generate the background for their product. They
We started from early last year when the GPT don't need to kind of move the things around the
and when actually the Genitive AI was a real trucks, or the big machines and to take pictures
thing. We understand very well about the global All those things can be ultimately generated for
tree – very complicated and we think is the best them, making it so much easier for them.
scenario for AI.
Since there are many use cases that we can use How many people are working for you and
AI to solve the problems for the buyers and you have teams everywhere in all these 200
sellers - the language barrier, the culture issues, countries where you're based?
how to manage their product, how to manage Not all of them. So many of the countries where
their customers, and how to reply there's the there are more suppliers. For some of the kind of
response and how to generate ideas all these developing countries that we think there's a big
kinds of different complicated components and opportunity we have our service people there.
the moving parts actually using AI, we can help For many of the countries that we have partners.
w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h