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P. 26
So, like our channel and especially for the SMEs. There is their lack
partners, that we of resources, sometimes they need to kind of
offer them to work handle the business single-handedly, that they
with and need to leverage the tools as much as possible
how the Suppliers be to help them reduce the barrier and to improve
on board. efficiency.
There are channel The second part is to go globalized. Though
partners. There are you mentioned about the sanctions, tariffs
direct kind of service that is it be a whole to globalization a little bit
people, and there are back, globalization is the only way for them to
other kind of network grow business and to be more resilient. More
services like the resilience to the turbulence for example during
banking system, like the pandemic area. Many of the SMEs gone out
the logistic services of business. For many of the SMEs we boom their
people that we are business because they embrace the digitization
kind of Integrated. and transform their business. We see a lot of
A lot of different kind of such kind of a successful case. You know
services with a lot of after pandemic So buyers actually triple the
different companies size comparison before which means more the
and different more SMEs actually has come to come to digital
platforms to make platform to go global. The third and not the
sure that can deliver least, is AI. Though many people talk about the
as a one solution. So fear of AI but think of it as a tools for efficiency,
that is what we do. In a tools for decision-making and creativity.
Europe now we have around 700 employees for And in the end is the tools as an agent which
both and Visible. We also have more can help the people to automate things and to
than 100 in Vietnam, Hong Kong Taiwan and kind of do things much more efficient. So what
for this year, we are kind of developing Korea, replace people or a man. It's not a another man
Mexico and the US. So, these are the countries who can leverage AI the most so embrace the
that we put our employees directly across China. technology and the digitalization.
Yes, of course
Transformation so much actually the more the
What about the Arab world and Africa? Are more actually the more that they can leverage
you doing business with them as well? And the best that was the best out of that.
how does it work? We actually as a platform want our mission is
We work with International Trade Center (ITC) to make it easy to do business anywhere, and
we have an incubation program there and we especially for the SMEs. So this is the message
have at least more than a hundred of African that I would like to deliver to them through your
SMEs and we help them to be successful, so they channel.
can be the ambassadors in Africa. So kind of a
lead by example help people that how they are Leaving Mr Kuo Zhang off to his next meeting,
doing this there. we wish him lots of success in all his endeavours.
The e-trade is the new way of doing business,
I already I know that you have a tight schedule. and it was indeed a very inspiring encounter
I would just ask it was one last question and with him.
that's If you have a message to our readers and
the international community, what would that
Think the first one is to embrace the digitization.
Digitization actually is the biggest change
which transform the world, transforms trade,
transform actually everything. It is a kind of a
steel and will be a growing engine economy
w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h