Page 34 - Sustainable Development Goals_ EN booklet 2022
P. 34
Decent Work &
Economic Growth
Economic growth is vital for sustaining the human race; economic
growth encompasses workers’ rights, job creation, social protection,
the protection of natural and environmental resources, social dialogue
and transparency. All these elements inspire entrepreneurship and
innovation, among both employers and employees. Decent work and
economic growth are conducive to generating economic equality, which
in turn contributes to improving the plight of the poor and disadvantaged
in society.
Primary Challenge \ Promoting ongoing, comprehensive and
sustained economic growth
\ Interim goals
8.1 Sustaining per capital economic growth according to national circumstances,
and in particular, at least 7% gross domestic product growth per annum in the
least developed countries.
8.2 Achieving higher levels of economic productivity through diversification,
technological upgrading and innovation, including through focusing on high
value added and labour-intensive sectors.
8.3 Promoting development - oriented policies that support productive activities,
decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, encouraging the
Decent Work & Economic Growth / P. 34