Page 30 - Sustainable Development Goals_ EN booklet 2022
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Affordable &
clean energy
To reduce the impact of climate change and ensure more efficient use
of resources, actions and plans are underway worldwide to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions, primarily by reducing the burning of fossil
fuels (oil and its distillates, gas) and adoption of efficiency improvement
processes in all sectors. International efforts to reduce greenhouse
gases are conducted within the UN’s framework convention for coping
with climate change.
Primary Challenge \ Ensuring universal access to available,
reliable, sustainable, and modern energy
\ Interim goals
7.1 Ensuring international access to obtainable, reliable, and modern energy
7.2 Significantly increasing the generation of renewable energies.
7.3 Multiplying the improvement in energy efficiency.
7a Promoting access to research technology, and investments in clean energy,
while improving cooperation between countries.
7b Expanding the energy services of developing countries and upgrading them,
including provision of modern, sustainable energy services in these countries.
Affordable & clean energy / P. 30