Page 44 - Sustainable Development Goals_ EN booklet 2022
P. 44

\ What’s happening in the world…?

              Did you know that…?

              •  If inequality is prioritized in a given country, and a policy put forward to reduce

                  it, people’s sense of inequality will be more widely acknowledged. If the public
                  fails to recognize that there is a problem, it is unlikely that a solution will be
                  put forward.

              •  The Gini index is the most widely used index in the world for determining
                  economic inequality. This is a logarithmic scale between 0 to 1 (or between

                  0 – 100), whereby 0 represents a hypothetical situation in which all a country’s
                  revenue is paid to a single person, and 1 represents a situation whereby the
                  revenues paid to all households in the country are exactly equal.

              •  Vienna operates an optimal policy authorising “housing for all” – safeguarding
                  the right to quality urban housing for all social strata.

              •  In 2020 the Paris municipality overturned France’s gender equality legislation
                  and was fined for deploying too many women in senior positions.

              •  The General Director of World Intel presented  the company’s targets for
                  reducing inequality by prioritising initiatives undertaken with women-owned

                  companies, which employ at least 40% women, employ at least 10% people
                  with disabilities, etc.

              Links to exceptional enrichment endeavors around the world:

                Reducing Inequality

                Inequality in the world

                How to reduce inequality

                IDA (International Development Association)

     Reduced Inequalities / P. 44
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