Page 53 - Sustainable Development Goals_ EN booklet 2022
P. 53

Ideas for activities in the field – My Family and I

               First, we will measure our own ecological footprint - a questionnaire by the

               Heschel Center. We check ourselves out: what do we really need?

               •  We will try to buy only what we really need, and if possible, to encourage
                  a local economy (rather than online overseas).

               •  We will check whether we use disposable utensils. And if so, why. What
                  are the alternatives?

               •  We will try to buy at secondhand stores.

               •  We will reduce the use of plastic bags and switch to using reusable bags.

               •  We will separate waste so that it is transferred for recycling: paper,
                  plastic, glass, clothing, electrical appliances and more.

               Ideas for activities in the field – My ICL Unit and I

               First and foremost, we will think: does our activity at the workplace have
               an environmental impact? And if so, what can we do to reduce it? Who can
               partner with me in the process at work?

               •  Reduction of waste production by correct purchasing and sustainable

               •  Donating appliances, computers and equipment that is not in use to the
                  needy / NGOs or to recycling companies.

               •  Examining the use of disposable utensils at the workplace and advancing

                  public information and activity to switch to using reusable utensils.

               •  Organization of a bartering market for reuse of consumer goods.

                                                                                    Responsible consumption and production / P. 53
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