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Past time clauses. See also Time clauses  time clauses in, 133             Q
           commas with, 133                     when to use, 124, 138, 139         Questions. See also wh- questions;
           in present perfect, 133, 138, 139    writing sentences with, 125            yes/no questions
           use of, 56                        Present perfect progressive             asking for permission, 338
           when in, 41, 42                      present perfect vs., 147             can/could in, 322
           while in, 41                         when to use, 146                     have to in, 352
        Permission, could/can/may for, 338      who or what in questions             to make requests, 339
        Phrasal verbs                             in, 147                            noun clauses in, 436
           intransitive, 385, A9                wh- questions in, 147                passive voice in, 406, 408
           transitive, 385, 386, A7–A8          yes/no questions in, 147             present perfect in, 126
           use of, 384, 388, 392             Present progressive                     present perfect progressive
        Place, prepositions of, 99,             affirmative statements in, 14          in, 147, 148
             100, 118                           to describe activities               present progressive in, 15
        Place names, 112, 113                     in present time, 14                requesting permissions, 338
        Plural nouns                            feel in, 18                          should in, 361
           articles with, 105                   future plans in, 189, 194            simple past in, 29
           possessive form of, 63               -ing for verbs in, 15                simple present in, 7
           spelling rules for regular and       negative statements in, 14           used to in, 49
             irregular, 62                      non-action verbs with, 16            when and what time
           the other with, 64                   short answers in, 15                   in, 188
        Possession, relative clauses with whose   simple present vs., 14             when in, 7
             to show, 311                       when to use, 14                      will in, 180, 399
        Possessive adjectives                   wh- questions in, 15               Quotation marks
           explanation of, 91                   yes/no questions in, 15              for quoted speech, 444
           in reported speech, 446           probably, 185                           for titles of works, 347
           in superlative comparisons, 223   Progressive. See Past progressive;    Quoted speech
        Possessive nouns, 63, 210                 Present progressive                adding impact with, 457
        Possessive pronouns, 91, 210         Prohibition, 354                        punctuation of, 444
        Possibility, modals to express, 332, 333,   Pronouns                         reported speech vs., 446
             346                                direct objects as, 386               use of, 456
        Predictions                             non-count nouns with, 70
           probably and definitely with, 180    object, 90                         R
           will or be going to for, 194, 202    possessive, 91, 210
        Prepositional phrases, 374              reflexive, 91                      recently, 127
        Prepositions                            relative, 296, 310                 Reflexive pronouns, 92
           common phrases with, 99              relative clauses to describe, 296  Regular verbs, 28
           of direction, 99, 100                in reported speech, 446            Relative clauses
           gerunds as object of, 267, A5        subject, 90                          to describe nouns, 296, 316
           indirect objects with, 377        Pronunciation                           explanation of, 296
           object relative clauses with, 310    of to, 277                           object, 303, 304, 310
           objects of, 90, 91, 310              of can or can’t, 323                 subject, 296, 297
           past participial adjectives          of could you or would you, 340       whose with, 311
             with, 415                          of have to, has to, and have got to,   Relative pronouns
           of place, 99, 100, 118                 355                                conversational use of, 299
           superlatives with, 223               of nouns ending in -s or -es, 65     as object of preposition, 310
           of time, 98                          symbols for, A10                     in relative clauses, 296, 303
           use of, 99                           of that, 298                       Reported speech
        Present, simple. See Simple present     of that, 428                         explanation of, 446
        Present participial adjectives, 416     of use to/used to, 49                omission of filler language
        Present participles, 416             Proper nouns, capital letters for, 23     in, 449
        Present perfect                      Punctuation                             use of, 456
           for with, 132, 139                   apostrophes, 63                      verbs in, 447
           adverbs with, 127                    commas, 41, 133, 155, 162, 231, 236,   Reporting verbs, 447
           contractions in, 124                   244, 245, 252, 261               Requests, 338–340
           for indefinite or definite past time,   periods, 444                    Run-on sentences, 231
             138                                question marks, 444
           present perfect progressive vs., 147  quotation marks, 347, 444         S
           since with, 132, 133, 139            of quoted speech, 444              Schedules, 188
           statements in, 124                Purpose, infinitives of, 281          Sentence fragments, 57

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