Page 31 - April 2023
P. 31

As promised, a side bar to the  main story

          The  Iset t a was a t hree wheeled  car t hat  began wit h an It alian

                                            Refrigerat or Company

  As a kid I didn't know it  but the odd  car that lived in our garage
  had a direct link to World War II. Maybe that's why my dad, a
  veteran of that conflict, brought it home.
  After    the  war,  countries   struggled   to  recover  from  both
  bombing  and the  staggering  loss of life of both soldiers and
  civilians. Government coffers in many of those countries  were
  bare;  with a few exceptions the wealth of individuals seemed to
  have  evaporated  over  night,  .   One  such  survior,   was  Italian,
  Renzo Rivolta,  the son of a wealthy Milanese industrialist.

  Before  the  War,  Rivolta  had  purchased   a  small  maker  of
  refrigerators  and  space  heaters  called  Isothermos  based   in   country?s  industrial  base.  Rivolta?s   factory  did  not  escape
  Genoa. The company had  come up with a cheaper, simpler way    unscathed. In 1942 it was  damaged by Allied bombs, so  he
  to manufacture these homely items.  Building the company up,   moved the  business to an 18th Century family villa in the
  Rivolta   expanded  it  to  outside  of  Italy.  That  financial  success   small  own of Bresso. In 1943 loyal locals helped him to hid
  allowed him to indulge in his real passion, cars? fast cars.   the  company?s  assets  from  the  retreating   Germans  who
                                                                 looted the country of whatever wasn? nailed down.
  Then, came the war.  Rivolta kept his company running   even
  though  Mussolini  and  his  ally  ,  Hitler,  destroyed  most  of  the   Our Isetta continues on page 32
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