Page 35 - April 2023
P. 35

Whacky but  Tr ue News!                                      Who St ole
                                                                                                    t he Race

        April Fool's Day Came Early for These
                                                                                                     Driver 's
                 Clowns and t heir Tesla
                                                                                                      Wat ch?
     Officers  from   Georgia's  Gwinnett  County  North                                           If you were 21 years
   Precinct  responded  to  a  report  that  multiple  game                                        old would you wear
   consoles had been stolen.  Witnesses told the officers                                          a   £144,000   watch
   that  the thieves had made their hasty  exit in a Tesla.                                        to     a     crowded
   The information was broadcast to other police patrols                                           sporting    event   ?
   in the  area, one of which turned up the clowns  trying                                         You  would  if  you
   to charge their Model X not far from the store where                                            were   F1  McLaren
   the  robbery  had  taken   place.  Turns  out  you  can  run
   but you can't hide is even more true if you're driving an    racing driver Lando Norris.
   electric vehicle in need of a charge as your getaway car.    The  watch    was  a   RM-67-02  'Automatic  Extra  Flat

   Police  recovered  the  stolen  game  consoles  and   on     Watch'   designed  exclusively  for  Norris  by   only  high
   searching  the  car  also  found   several  handguns  and    end  watch  designer  Richard  Mille.  Mille  is   also  a
   two  pounds  of   of  what  officers  suspected  to  be      sponsor  of  the  McLaren  Race  Team.  It  should  have
   marijuana.                                                   been  expected that someone would try to pinch it.

     Taken  into  custody,  arrested  and  charged   with       That  happened  in   2021.   Norris  was   mugged  at
   multiple  offenses,  the  thieves   could  receive  lengthy   Wembley  while  attending  the  final  of  the   Euro  2020
   stays at Georgia's version of Hotel California; you check    football   tournament  that  had  been  delayed.    CCTV
   in  but  getting  out  isn't  so  rapidly  achieved.   The   footage  was  unable to  positively identify the suspect.
   anticipated length of their stay as guests of the state of   But  now  ,  two  years  later,   Liam  Williams  ,  25,  of
   Georgia  will  give  them  orange  jumpsuits  as  a  fashion   Merseyside  finds  himself  in   Harrow  Crown  Court   as
   choice and all the time they need before lights out to       the  man  who  allegedly  stole  Norris'  watch,  outed
   recharge their batteries.                                    thanks  to science and technology.

    A Tesla  does have some utility as a getaway car. It's      Tyrone Silcott,   for the for the prosecution, said: ?He
   styless styling, the limited number of color options, and    [Norris] noticed two men walk around his car and one
   the growing number of them on the road makes them            approached, asking: ?s this your car??
   pretty anonymous.    When fully charged, they are quick      ?[One of the men] went behind Mr Norris and grabbed
   off the line and they are silent.                            him. He put his right arm around his neck and his left

    Nothing can be done, however, when the clowns that          arm behind his back and pulled Mr Norris backwards,
   operate them forget that   a discharged battery means        causing him to look at the sky.
   no  go  and  slow  charging  ahead  (unless  at  a  rapid    ?The  one  pulling  him  back  called  the  accomplice  to
   charge station). It doesn't matter if the intent is   to take   grab  the  watch  and  the  other  man  pulled  the  watch
   the  Tesla out to commit  a crime or head through the        from his wrist and as he did, scratched his left wrist.?
   drive-through for lunch.
                                                                DNA  evidence  from  the  scratch  was  left  on  Norris'
   No pedal to the metal for these guys. Foiled by a dead       wrist  and  Williams?phone had been registered by his

   battery--  this  sounds  like  something  that  used  to     mobile service provider as travelling from Liverpool to
   happen in old school cars, not in  the  sort of car hailed   Wembley  the  day  before  the  incident,  returning  to
   as the  future of transportation.  Their Tesla  could be     Liverpool  in  the  early  hours  of  June  13.  The  case
   called  the   Crime  Stopper--emphasis  on  stop.     .      continues.

                                                                In 2022  Norris signed an 80 million pound extension
                                                                of his  McLaren contract.  With or without a watch his
                                                                time is  very valuable.
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